
So we're going to work together?

by  |  earlier

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Here is a great idea, why not stop all the insults back and fourth. I'm not a big fan of some of your ideas your not a fan of mine, sooo, we make ideas up together. Now liberals we don't have to hold hands and kiss but we could start by listing out the major issues of the day, say 1-5.

When listing try not to have personal attacks or political jabs in them (i.e. Bush Sucks thats a problem, or baby killers need to stop; reverse aboration)

Once we have a list we are going to start knocking off the problems together and then as a group campagine for change.




  1. huh?

  2. But we don't disagree only as to ideas.

    On economic issues the Lefties choose to operate with their own set of FACTS.

    You're not entitled to disagree on facts.   The facts are what they are.

    Working together would be agreeing yes, the tax cuts paid for themselves and then some, now let's make them permanent and just freeze spending and within 18 months we'll have a surplus and within a generation the debt will be $3TN-$4TN which would be low in relation to the size of the economy, thus producing low long term borrowing rates.

    Trying to come up with the fifth argument (after time has disproven the last four) that the tax cuts somehow aren't the reason for the growth in GDP and tax revenue isn't "working together" - it's holding up the process to maintain a lie.

  3. Why not?

    "We are family"

    "He's ain't heavy he's my brother"

    In near and faraway land.

    At loss and stranded on planet earth.

    "We can work it out"

    "Do you want to know a secret"

    "Star on 45"- Beatles medley

  4. I think we should try.

    My issues/concerns

    1.  Environment (global warming or at least conservation)

    2.  Education (the whole system needs to be overhauled, but that's a whole other question.

    3.  Universal Healthcare(we are paying for the insured in ridiculous ways, like exhorbinant charges in the ER, sick people in the service industry, providing our services,etc) why not make sure there is comprhensive healthcare available for those who need it and the rest of us who have health insurance that doesn't cover much)

    4. The war in Iraq (sorry, based on lies, end the sorry mess, stop funding the terrorists and letting the CIA do what they want in the interest of multinational corporations, etc that's a whole other question too.

    5.  I'm not sure if I want to say the homeless, illegal immigration or the fact that the media (and Yahoo too) are encouraging us to be divided so we don't get together in grass roots organizations because then some REAL change might happen.

    great question by the way, I hope some will take it seriously.

  5. I'm game.  My family is really politically diverse - my mom is liberal and my dad is conservative.  My sister and her husband are liberal, my husband and I are conservative.  We have great political discussions because we respect each other and our rights to different opinions.

  6. Sure.  Here's my five . . .  universal health care, stabilization via democracy of the middle east, international trade relations,  education, and an immigration policy that actually works.

  7. pink angel issue 4...

    4. The war in Iraq (sorry, based on lies, end the sorry mess, stop funding the terrorists and letting the CIA do what they want in the interest of multinational corporations, etc that's a whole other question too.

    We aren't funding terrorists, that accusation makes no sense, the whole reason where in Iraq is to set up a democracy, to prevent terrorists from using it as a safe haven.  If your speaking of the CIA's "family jewels" that was during a different time.  Communist histeria was to the extreme, and the government acted as such. they did not fund terrorists however...

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