
So what's going to be the next scam after Global Warming?

by Guest61494  |  earlier

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Believe it or not, 30 years ago, people were worrying about Global Cooling.

That idea crashed and burned, and it looks like the whole Global Warming fad is going the way of the dog too.

So what is going to be the next rip-off the politicians are going to come up with to fleece money from the brainless middle-class sheeple?




  1. As the rotation of the Earth slows down, gravity will go away and we will all fall off.

  2. The 4 hottest years on record are still in the dust bowl years. Global 'warming' experts continue to bury their collective heads in the sand from this fact.

  3. a man bear pig, epidemic, we have to pay taxes for Marshall's to shoot man bear pigs, its the future

  4. it seems strange that we could be in the midst of a magnetic pole reversal and the antartic is shedding ice but the artic is building ice at the same time?

  5. If you mean 30 years ago there were a couple nuts concerned about global cooling and a handful of scientists speculating out loud, then you are correct.  If you mean 30 years ago, the climate scientists of the world were concerned about global cooling (just like today they are concerned about global warming) you are badly mistaken.

    Clearly, you have read no science on the subject and are making your assertions from an uninformed position.  While people can and do use many things (some true, some false) to further their political goals, the theory of anthropogenic global warming is a scientific theory (right or wrong), not some fad or hoax.  There is over 100 years of scientific research behind it.

    You should educate yourself (a few good sites are listed below) before making assertions about a subject you're not knowledgeable about.

    The 2008 National Academy of Sciences Summary Brochure on Climate Change

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    EPA Climate Change

    The Discovery of Global Warming (great history site)

    The Scientific Basis for Anthropogenic Climate Change

    Skeptical Science - Examing Global Warming Skepticism

    Anti-global heating claims - a reasonably thorough debunking

    NewScientist Climate change: A guide for the perplexed

    The Consensus on Global Warming

    Scientific Opinion on Climate Change

  6. They are big on recycling so they'll probably recycle some previously used crisis.

  7. Believe it or not, 30 years ago, people were worrying about Global Cooling.

    That is true. My boyfriend says in the 70 and early 80's they were saying that the Ice age would be here by the 2020's.

    Some of the lowest temperatures in the UK were in the early 80's winters.

  8. Evolution and gravity.  It's all just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo!

    By the way, in the 1970s most scientists were warning about global warming, not cooling.

    "The supposed "global cooling" consensus among scientists in the 1970s — frequently offered by global-warming skeptics as proof that climatologists can't make up their minds — is a myth, according to a survey of the scientific literature of the era.


    Thomas Peterson of the National Climatic Data Center surveyed dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles from 1965 to 1979 and found that only seven supported global cooling, while 44 predicted warming. Peterson says 20 others were neutral in their assessments of climate trends.

    The study reports, "There was no scientific consensus in the 1970s that the Earth was headed into an imminent ice age.

    "A review of the literature suggests that, to the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking about the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales."

  9. They've actually switched from global cooling and global warming four times. Since the earth is actually cooling now, I'd say it's back to global cooling.

  10. spending billions more on national defense by declaring all the climate change refugees to be 'terrorists'?

    oh, i know, spending billions more on nuclear energy on the grounds of 'energy security' because they need to train up a new generation of atomic bomb scientists?

    just a few goaty ideas....

  11. "Global heavy-ing". This is when the earth falls out of orbit and just.. keeps falling..... This will be caused by overpopulation and too many buildings.

  12. Are you serious?

    For real, are you blind or what? Has the weather not changed in your lifetime drastically? Wake up people!

  13. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

  14. You lead off with the the most thoroughly debunked myth in the DENIER/skeptic's impressive arsenal of myths, and then its all downhill from there, isn't it?  No bunkey, nobody was worried about global cooling in the 1970's, and the scientists did not predict it.  One guy who was the founder of the DENIER/skeptic movement wrote a book pushing this silly idea, and he made a little money off of it.  Between his fringe science and his antisemitism he is as rabid and bizarre a character now as he was then.

  15. Maybe they will scam us with Global Catastrophe by the moon falling out of orbit and blaming it on our skyscrapers being too tall haha.

  16. People are dying due to changes in climate due to anthropogenic effects as we speak.  Callously blowing it off is an excuse to not take responsiblity for ones actions and change one's way of life in order to deal with the fact that yes, we do have an impact on this world... collectively, it is huge.  There are over 6 and a half billion of us humans on this planet.  That's why changing our behavior en masse is essential.  Feeling scornful, critical and judgmental of others for heeding the vast majority of the world's scientists is a defensive mechanism people use to avoid facing up to the startling reality that the planet is indeed changing by our own choices.

  17. Actually, you're the next scam! You present no information, only uninformed opinion. The sad part is, someone will believe you.

  18. Anything that will villafy capitalism and promote socialism.

  19. Next scam, Al Gore is losing weight, and he is trying to disappear after the embarrassment of AGW.

  20. Global Climate Change, that way the weather can go any way and the mad scientists will feed us with more c**p.

  21. Aircraft, tax (Good)





    fresh air <lol> aint none. (Pollution)

    Polititians < 90%) lol.

    Asthmatics < 100 % Rebate) because of aircraft polluting the upper atmosphere.

  22. A mortgage crisis caused by bad planning and gambling on bankers parts.   We will have to spend trillions to bail out people who gambled their money and lost.   When they get back on their feet, they won't want to pay a cent back in taxes when they start making money again.

  23. Definitely on how we should pay more taxes for people who live on welfare without trying to get a job. And here's a question to you, What has the world come to???

  24. I think they'll just go for the big one and threaten us with the apocolypse

  25. I am now totally convinced that global warming is not a scam but a frightening reality - about which we can probably do very little - but should try very hard to ameliorate (if that's the right word)!!!

    Incidentally what is a "sheepie"?.

  26. Global Calming - This is a condition where the number of wind turbines installed remove massive amounts of energy from the Earths winds.

    This causes stalling of the winds that move the weather and some places will have droughts, while others have floods, sometimes it will be warmer than average, other times it will be colder then normal, ice caps will melt and they will also refreeze, in other words, the climate will be just like we have today.

    However this will cause a panic among liberals.  They will claim if you don't believe in "Man Made Global Calming" or AGC, then you don't believe in gravity or evolution.

    There solution will to tear down wind turbines.

  27. Right, so that part of the ice cap seven times the size of Manhattan that just crumbled was just so tired that it decided to fall down.  Get real man.  Actually, that whole global cooling thing is fake.  A very cursory comparison of then and now reveals a huge difference. Today, you have a widespread scientific consensus supported by national academies and all the major scientific institutions firmly behind the warning that the temperature is rising, anthropogenic CO2 is the cause and the warming will worsen unless we reduce emissions. In the 1970's, there was a book in the popular press, a few articles in popular magazines, and a small amount of scientific speculation based on the recently discovered glacial cycles and the recent slight cooling trend from air pollution blocking the sunlight. No daily headlines. No avalanche of scientific articles. No United Nations treaties and commissions. No G8 summits on the dangers.

    There quite simply is no comparison, I'm sure you could find better evidence of a "consensus" of a coming alien invasion.

    The fact that you are even asking this question is pathetic.  You are too filled with lust for your current materialistic lifestyle that you are not willing to make any sacrifices, so you call anything that threatens it a fraud.  By the way, the fact that you got so many answers supporting the fact that Global Warming exists kind of busts your statement that it is going the way of the dog.

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