Read this piece of an article:
Richard Carter, with the Defenders of Wildlife, argues that any new drilling would take at least 10 years to pump, and then only knock a couple cents off pump prices. There's no need to lift moratoriums when the oil industry is sitting on 33 billion acres of offshore leases they haven't developed, he adds.
A lot of undeveloped leases may not have a lot of resources, counters H. Sterling Burnett, senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis in Washington.
Now, if they have 33 billion acres that haven't been developed (some say 68 billion acres), why haven't they started developing it.
If it holds no true promise, couldn't we possibly trade that 33-68 billion acres for somewhere with better opportunities?
Just a thought, not really a question. Just don't see why they would have this land set aside for oil drilling, and not use it in the many years they've had it, if it doesn't offer what they believe we need.