
So what about Andre Berto in 2 years from now?

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Boxing experts I wants some honest opinions, Ive watched Berto for several fights now, and to me it seems that he has the speed and reflexes to be Mayweather but even more powerful, what u guys think?




  1. So far he has shown good boxing abilty, he has good power,good stamina and great accuracy, he also has good hand speed and so far he looks very promising, i think that in a few years he will step up into the elite ranks with other boxing greats as long as he stays focused on boxing keeps himself in shape.

  2. its hard to predict where any boxer will be in two years, a lot of things can happen in that time, but he certainly has the ability to be a contender for the p4p spot, i would like to see him fight sugar shane, if he could retire mosley then without a doubt we have a truely great fighter to look forward to watching

  3. Let's see him...thenhttp://summer-olympics-updates.blogspot....

  4. He's great. If he can grow out of those defensive flaws, I see him ruling the welterweights in a few years. His sheer speed and explosiveness is unrivaled by that of any other welterweight out there. He needs some polishing. The Rodriguez fight kind of made me a fan, he demonstrated great speed that will give any welterweight trouble, regardless of how good they are.

  5. It is all about fortitude, there have been plenty of boxers come up and look awesome when they are fighting handpicked opponents they are supposed to beat.

    Usually they will go up against a guy with allot of power, but no speed or skill.

    Or they will put then up against a fast fighter with no chin and no guts

    They always match their fighters up against guys that fit perfectly into their fighters’ style.

    It’s when they go up against a question mark opponent, another up n comer or hungry veteran that they are tested. Do they have the fortitude to hang in there when the fight is not going there way.

    Can they adapt, a fighter might have all the speed, good power good skills, but what happens when someone fights  a game plan to take that away, does the fighter have the ability to change up his style or game plan through the fight and come out and win.

    Or does he get frustrated that the fight is not going his way and fold under the pressure. Ive seen it happen way too many times, a guy looks really good against powder puffs but put in against experience they lock up.

    Look at Bajado vs Lejia, Bojada looked impressive in his fights leading to what his team thought was a washed up end of line Jesse James Laija, and the wise old veteran took the youngster apart.

    Just like Cambel took apart Diaz. Im never really convinced on a guy until I see him battle back from adversity and win. When the going gets tough can the fighter get going? that’s the test of champion.

    For me Berto looks quick,powerful and he can move. At the same time I can see slip ups that an experienced fighter could exploit. I see him drop his right hand allot when he jabs, he also has a habit of leaping in, ala Roy Jones Jr. A good fighter could time it and catch him coming in.

    Also when he is inside throwing,  his shoulders are low and his chin is not tucked and his hands are down when he throws the uppercut. A good fighter could wait on that and counter him.

    So I see some weakness in him but he is looking strong. I think he is 4 or 5 fights away yet from a significant opponent.

    A big problem these fighters have is that get seen too early and the demand for them to fight a top fighter gets louder and louder and the pay day gets bigger and bigger to the point where the team says s***w it and throws him in with a guy when hes not ready. He goes in and gets destroyed and they never usually fully recover from it because going from destroying nobodies to getting destroyed by somebody takes a toll on their confidence.

    Hes pretty good, but he should take another 4 or 5 fights before they talk about fighting a Cotto,Margarito or Mayweather or any of the top fighters.

    For his next opponent maybe an Edwin Vazquez, Luis Collozo, maybe then step up against a Quintana, and fight some of his mandatory’s for a few fights more then step in against a Judah, and depending on how he looked in those fights then jump in with a Cotto. Although he would still get his *** beat by Cotto.

    But so far I think they have done a good job bringing him along.

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