
So what are the real issues the American public are facing in the future?

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Funny that Ray reading peoples answers how we seem to be facing the exact same problems yet we so called have such different forms of goverment.




  1. Well compared to the U K and Europe we are in good shape economically For that post that says the dollar is worthless Let talk in a very short time Seeing you don't hear quagmire civil war nor read the daily body count that one is put to bed

    I would think the only issue is how do we pay back all those that are wishing for the downfall of America

    Bobby take some time and check them out 3 are not Americans read some of their ans they are nut jobs

  2. Monetary..........this Country will be busted in the future.  Taken over by illegals.  Terrorism within our own borders since sleepers have been here for awhile now.  LIBERALISM and the agenda to move this country away from our democracy.  Political correctness...................on and on and on.

  3. Maybe they should be concerned about who would want to kill them next. The list seems to be getting bigger.

  4. The dollar is worthless.

    Big oil OWNS the USA.

    Our military is stretched to the limit fighting unnecessay wars.

    Corruption throughout the current administration.

    Allies have turned their backs on us.




    No McBush

    No how

    NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!

  5. well hoping that we have enough money each week to buy food. from week to week things go up so much that i have to put things back and we sure did eat a lot better 5 years ago than we do now. hacks me off to no end.

  6. Being superseded by China and India in the economic league within 30years!

  7. The USA face going forward with McCain or being a country like the UK and giving into all like Mrs Blair wanted.

  8. The continued dying of people without healthcare and the continued apathy of the GOP for those who are.

    We're also facing more bloodshed on pointless wars with no diplomacy because "negotiating with 'terrorists' is wrong"

    God help us all if the Reps win this year

  9. If by the future you mean tomorrow, we have many huge problems. I don't think there is any one giant issue, instead we have several huge issues. The economy, energy costs, which affects the costs of almost everything else. Our open borders and the flood of illegals in the country. Iraq, home foreclosures, the credit and banking crunches, a weak dollar, a bleak outlook economically, unemployment rising while more jobs leave the country. A spent military, and a divide in the country about their expenditure. Did I mention huge debt which we add to through borrow and spend policies? The GOP really screwed America, Mission Accomplished.

  10. The biggest problem right now is the economy.  After that is probably the Iraq War.  People also care about universal health care, the environment, and apparently whether or not someone can gut a moose.

  11. The news right now is that America has just seen the most drastic jump in UNEMPLOYMENT that we've seen in FIVE YEARS.

    People just can't find jobs.

    High cost of heating fuel will be kicking in soon.

    Iraq needs to be addressed, solved, and finished.

    The environmental protections we've had in place for over 30 years, and which have been working well, have been attacked and injured and pulled back a great deal under the bush regime. THAT needs to be addressed.

    Businesses should be punished for cheating the system- as in NO TAX BREAKS, INCENTIVES, OR TAX DOLLARS OF ANY KIND will be given to ANY business which ships jobs overseas, or moves its home offices out of the country to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

    We need to do something about the value of the dollar, too.

    And of course, BIG BUCKS need to be invested in pursuing a whole new industry of alternative energy. THERE are thousands of jobs just waiting to be created!

    Also, of course, every single American deserves to have access to affordable health care.

    And we MUST provide quality education for every single American who wants it. We are quickly falling behind in the Brain Tank department in this country - we're being outgunned by other countries on the technical, engineering, physics, math fronts.

  12. Well my friend.. 1 - Economy, unemployment is up 6.1 percent as of august.. 2. War in Iraq - you know about that.  3. Immigration- securing borders, reforming the laws  keeping out terrorists and criminals  and  4. racism in america, because  obama's candidacy has shed some light on americas problems

  13. dont listen to these liberal idiots. the main issue is the economy and lack of jobs, then the iraq war (which everyone should just let the military do their job and get it over with and stop delaying our victory) then probably energy and healthcare. sure our healthcare is expensive but its one of the best in the world. yes i know we were ranked 37th world wide but thats only because its so expensive...

  14. Socialism, corrupt government officials and the dumbing down of Real American citizens.

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