
...So what are you NOT good at...?

by  |  earlier

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Me - maths. haha. I'm mathematically challenged XD




  1. time management  

  2. Sports. I'm really bad at P.E.

    I'm kinda Mathematically challenged too. You have no idea it is to despise Math in a family of engineers, who all want you to love Math and become engineers like them.

    ¡Pero no soy mala en español! El español es mi lengua materna, lol. =P

  3. algebra so d**n hard =///  

  4. ummm i would have to say dancing... i am white therefore i cant dance  

  5. History and science but I will get better this year unlike last year C's and D's.

  6. singing♥

  7. lying LOL i get all red n burst out laughing lol

  8. Art and dancing. Lol.  

  9. I suck at lying, I will just start laughing while I'm telling a lie.  

  10. I suck at life

  11. [thinks REAL hard]

    lmao, i'm kidding.

    Uh, hmm..

    I'm not good at.. oh!

    Computer Animation! omg I hate it so much, lol.

  12. oh i such at math too. and cooking... i burn everything

  13. hahahaha same!

  14. Can I join that club

    yup me 2, Algebra

  15. oooooo  no math for me.  But I'm not very good at cooking either.

  16. not ruining the moment. I always do something on accident like hurting myself/others and breaking stuff. I am such a klutz!

  17. math for sure. i've failed all my maths since i started college last year. i suck at life.

  18. anything \:

  19. maths & art :P

  20. math


  22. saving money

  23. ahah for me i suck at spanish..

    c'mon i can barley speak english (:

  24. Same Here I Absolutely Dread Maths :S

    ;)Have A Gd Day;)

  25. listening. that's what my supervisor and work mate tell me.

  26. at going to school! >:(

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