
So what can we do to help rice farmers?

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What can we do to assist rice farmer increasing their life level? Plants the estate crop is more profiting now...




  1. Subsidies may help often. But i think they require extension services more. They should use new rice breeds and new technology appropriately. They should be advised how to use fertilizers properly without actually overdoing it.They should be allowed to get a reasonable price for rice. (in my country I think this is the situation)

  2. Rice intensification,

    or grow potatoes instead,

  3. Well, there are many problems associated with rice farming community. Since crop is cultivated with huge water, lime gets solubilized and makes soil acidic. If you can change the status then situation could be changed. Secondly, cultivating crops like Brahmi and maka on the boundries of farm could give additiional earning to farmer.

    If water harvesting fascility is provided, then vegetables or other crops could also be grown and their life level could be increased. There are many ways, like if land holding of farmer is more then he can go for sericulture and get silk as well as raw material for compost. This in turn could help in maintaining the soil properties and reduce the cost of inputs.

    If you could provide details then things could be worked.

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