
So what celebration plans do you have when Obama wins in November?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone's invited to my house for a sleepover. Bring your favorite music.




  1. From what's been on the news, he and his family better hope he doesn't.....  Sad, but true....

  2. okay. ill bring over some strippers

  3. I will be at Ralph Naders house.  

  4. buy a rifle

  5. I'm sure I'll be at home and the kids will be asleep. It will be around 2am when they call the race for Obama. I'm going to scream with joy, cry and run outside banging pots and pans. :)

  6. party like a rockstar and go krazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. none cause he wont win

  8. When he wins WHAT? A trip back out of the spotlight? :o)

  9. That's kind of creepy...  but as for the question--- Don't count your eggs before they hatch.  I'm for Obama as well because of his beliefs (they are similar to mine), but I'm not fully convinced he'll win.  You shouldn't jinx it.

  10. You meant McCain, not Obambi.....

  11. I will probably just get up and go to work the next day. That's what independents do.  

  12. Stop my pans for moving to England. Put my money back into financial stocks and smile that this country may not be third world for my children.  

  13. If Obama wins I'm planning on stocking up on ammo, food and water to celebrate, I'm sure the #@%^ will hit the fan soon after.

  14. I hope you like Xavier Rudd

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