
So what did all you Y/A horse addicts do during the dry spell?

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I'm still in denial, but I got the house cleaned, weeded my garden and did some ground driving on my youngsters, they are doing so good! How was your day without Y/A?




  1. Got my horses worked, paperwork done, stuff ordered, took my dog to the beach to play Frisbee in the lake. Made dinner and still find myself onYA and its 2:00am

  2. Had a mental breakdown. Went to the corner of the room, got in the fetal possition and rocked back and forth.....

    And then realized that my real horses still hadn't been fed.... Opps.

  3. I mounted my new mare!!! She did awsome!!!!!! NO buck! No arching of the back, Nothing!!! She did great!! Horse washing went on, water bucket cleaning. Hanging out with the neighbors.

  4. Augh!!  Can't talk yet!!  Have at least 7 pages of questions to go through before I can answer this one fully!!!!

    **EDIt...okay...2 hours later....*I'm NOT addicted!  I'M NOT...I'M NOT...I'M NOT!!!*

    Actually...was working on jigsaw puzzles.  And checking the computer every couple of hours...  

    Brought the horses up to the yard to eat some green...

    watered the lawn by hand...

    Managed to dodge the vaccum cleaning yet one more day...*The vaccum is staring at me accusingly as we speak*  I actually got it out...does that count??

  5. Lol, yes well I went riding and helped my friend shift some furniture. Read the entire Fugly page and kept hitting refresh on ICHC to see if there was anything new.

    Did some weights had an in depth discussion about tractors and associated machinery.

    Played Spider,Voted on everything and checked this site every 5 minutes or so !

  6. Suffered. I flipped between Fugly Horse of the Day and refreshing this site. Riding wasnt an option and homework decided not to be intertaining. BTW have you ever read From Dawn to Decadance(sp?)? It is interesting but only in short segments. Not hours at a time!

    EDIT: feel better to know Iam not the only one that had my day disrupted by the 'technical issues'

  7. Went back out to the barn and clean up things that need it other then the stalls

  8. Well, lets just say when I got done with riding, I was very bored.

  9. did laundry,took a nap,checked on the livestock,scrubbed out the stock tank and refilled it,did some research on the computer and all the while saying not nice things to the computer screen.

  10. It's a good time to put the computer in the shop. . .

  11. checked Y!A every five seconds, curled up in the foetal position, cold sweats, cried heaps became explosive, violent and unpredictable, basically they locked me in a padded room with a laptop and some pizza.....

  12. Haha, i was at a horse show! =)

  13. Redial, you are on a roll!

    I actually had to converse with DH. It was frightening!

  14. ....bugged you. Did some laundry. Hosed down the horses a couple times because it was friggin hot and humid yesterday. Took a hot relaxing bath and read a book. Checked on my new kittens(born Saturday, 5 of them), every hour...thank goodness Miss Kitty is tolerant of I was a pest. They are soooo cute =) Drank lots of coffee! Played on a virtual pet site I play at (powerpets), called and bawled to my hubby because I've never dealt with fleas before...then called my mom and bawled to her...Fleas suck, don't ever buy the over the counter sh...I mean c**p. Read some more. Had a egg salad sandwich for supper, fed the horses again, fed the dogs, gave all my kitty's a can of cat food for a treat...watched a hour of t.v. a rerun of extreme home makeover...even the reruns are =) went back and surfed the net again and talked to the hubby one more time before going to bed at 10:30pm.

    Oh and today...I get to go get Frontline for everyone! I can't wait!

  15. I got bored and just looked for games or puzzles to do.

    I even did a little extra cleaning at home.

  16. Inbetween checking Y/A to see if it was up yet, I vacuumed the house, did laundry, made a meatloaf, e-mailed my buddies to see if it was just me or Y/A nationally.

    Oh and scrubbed out a couple of my 100 gallon water troughs...

    Boy talk about a boring day!  Sheesh.

  17. Dry spell, was there a dry spell?  If I need a horse "fix", I go to a real horse, not the computer...although YA is very entertaining and I have learned a lot from it, it isn't running through my veins and I can make it though a day, week or month without it.

  18. I actually caught myself starring blankly at the screen of my computer a few times !!!

  19. OMG!!!! I actually went to the ...........In-Laws!!!!!  My husband was shocked! He gave me a look that said your are CRAZY for even suggesting it. To top it off we had to stay there until the tornado warnings said it was ok to leave. My husband is blaming it all on me ....but I keep telling him it was Yahoo's fault!

  20. Well its 10 pm here now and i must have missed something.  I worked all day until 9pm with the horses and built three more corrals, put up shelters and one more turn out area.  I hate it when your building something and your one panel short UGH.

  21. I've been dying for my fence to be done! the contractor promised me a finished fence last Tuesday, it's almost Monday now!

    geeesh and my horse is suffering in a dry lot, and I'm paying more board because of this contractor who just for some reason hates having a good reputation?

    anyways great question

    I like how the horse section just chats within the section

    charming =)

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