
So what did you all think of DNC's first night of events? What station did you watch it on?

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I watched on C-Span.

No pundits, no commentators.




  1. I enjoyed it a great deal. C-Span also. The commentators get on my nerves.

  2. didnt think much of it

    what with Kennedy and  then Mrs Im proud for the first time in my life

    no great shakes

  3. What a bunch of bullshit..

    McCain '08!

  4. I watched it on MSNBC. Im a big fan of Keith Olberman. He runs circles around Bill O'Reily.

  5. I was bored stiff in 3 minutes, switched to animal planet and watched the puppies play and then watched the Micheal Vite case.

  6. I watched it on C-Span.

    The Ted Kennedy bit was very good, as was Michelle Obama's speech. I didn't realize how good of a talker she is.

    I thought it was pretty good all around.

  7. I watched it on MSNBC. There wasn't enough substance. Just show and empty speeches

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