
So what do you all think about Palin?

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So what do you all think about Palin?




  1. I find it very insulting that they would think we should vote for her simply because she is a woman when her views and actions are against everything I believe in, no censorship, protection of the environment and our natural resources, the right to choose to have a child or not, the right to marry even if you are g*y, misuse of governmental powers,not committing to provide the care her special needs child has while cutting the funding to provide special needs education in her state, ethical behavior. and I really hate her hairdo and voice.

  2. We "all" think she is awesome.

    Take a look at the do real Americans.

  3. I can tell you this much, the Conservatives would like to paint her as being representative of women in the US, but she's not.  Most women are in favor of a woman's right to choose, and want to protect endangered species.  I don't know of any woman who's against conservation.  I am almost her age, but she's nothing like me, so they need to quit trying to make her some kind of hero for women.

  4. No one know a lot about her. I think there are a couple of guys on here that would like to have a beer with her and slip in a rupee.  

  5. Religious extremist and the queen of federal pork $.

  6. She's obviously delusional, and probably batsh*t insane.

  7. She is an unqualified lightweight that was a cynical choice by John McCain to shore up his support with and motivate the Evangelicals in the Republican Party.  She isn't qualified to govern the USA, rather she is a tool by which McCain hopes to get elected.  She has radical fundamentalist religious views that effect her positions on social issues that are out of step with most Americans.  She might have some good personal qualities, but being a church-going mom hardly makes her a good choice for VP that's only a heartbeat away from the presidency.  It isn't putting 'country first' for McCain to care more about being elected than governing, but this pick demonstrates that is McCain's highest priority.  

  8. Well, here's she how stands on a couple of issues.

    Bridge to nowhere -

    While running for governor in September 2006, Palin assured the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce she was for the bridge.

    "I told Congress, 'thanks, but no thanks,' on that bridge-to-nowhere," Palin said.

    No thanks to that bridge? Here are the facts, as reported by CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews. Congress killed off the earmark well before Gov. Palin formally abandoned it. And while the bridge is in fact a dead project, the state still kept the money all $233 million in federal funds, for other transportation needs.

    On s*x ed-

    Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit s*x-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools? Newsweek

    Sarah Palin: "Yes, the explicit s*x-ed programs will not find my support"

  9. If we have to have a woman as Vice President or President, I can;t think of a better choice and that includes Hillery.

    To the one that called her daughter a w***e,

    What about Barack Hussein Obama's w***e white unwed Mama that  got knocked up by a married black muslim from Kenya when she was just 17?

  10. Like Palin - she's real.

  11. Dynamic, just what McCain needs. She impresses me to be the kind of person that is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. To bad they are both pro life, That is the only reason, I cannot vote for them.

  12. Are you kidding, I want to move to Alaska. What a great person for our daughters to admire.  

  13. As an educated woman, and working mom, Sarah Palin is not someone I look up to as a role model and certainly not someone who I want to represent me.

    I highly disagree with her political stances on education as a public school teacher. Creationism is a violation of separation of church & state. I disagree with her views on abortion and s*x education. I believe she is so out of tune with the lower 48 states and has no clue what it's like out there in the open wide America. I disagree with her parenting styles. I feel she could care less about non-Christians.

    I personally feel she was solely put on the ticket because Obama did not chose Hillary. Plain & simple. This is McCain's shotgun marriage-to a woman he knew for 6 months and met on one occasion. How do you build up a solid and strong trusting relationship?

    I have no problem with women in politics, and mothers in politics. But Sarah Palin is NOT the right woman in my opinion.

  14. I think she will do plenty of harm as VP. That of course is if the McCain/Palin ticket get voted in. Which is doubtful. She stands against freedom.  

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