
So what do you guys think of Obama's stage props for his acceptance speech?

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Honestly, whether you support Obama or not...

do you think this is over kill?




  1. he is a petitioner who has to win people over with charm instead of reason

  2. He thinks he is God. Suffers from delusion of grandeur.

  3. Obama Christ!  Obama Christ?

    Who are you ?  What have you sacrificed?

    (I really want to know!)

    Obama Christ!  Superstar!

    Do you think you're who they say you are?

    (Guess, you think it's so!)

  4. Pays to have g*y friends and friends in Hollywood because they make the best props ever!

  5. Definitely over kill.

  6. More proof that he is a delusional and arrogant jackass.

  7. He's MASTERFUL in everything he's part of!  How's that?

  8. haha... now I'm curious...  

  9. Yes.  Definitely not the right direction for a man who has been trying to downplay the "rock star" moniker that he picked up recently.

    However, I do not think that Obama really cares at this point.  I sincerely believe that he believes he is currently unbeatable and will be the next president.  His unabashed arrogance is becoming his Achilles Heel and just may end up being his undoing.

    And, yes, I am a definite McCain supporter.  At one time nervous, but things are definitely looking better thanks to the DNC and Obama himself lately.

  10. He's the Messiah!  It's appropriate for him to have a temple setting.  I sure hope they give him some good halo lighting when the podium arises with his holiness blessing his delusional followers.

  11. Obama himself was a stage prop.

  12. You linked to a UK paper, reporting that that Rupert Murdoch rag The New York Pest did a Photoshop smear of Obama?  THAT'S your rant??

    Washington is full of such columns, and you wouldn't call THEM temples.  It was a Greek revival style that Jefferson had a strong influence in bringing about.

    Geez, you people are really getting hard up with this Messiah smear.

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