
So what do you think of Obama blowing off wounded soldiers for Paris?

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So what do you think of Obama blowing off wounded soldiers for Paris?




  1. Obama is a Liberal. They dont like the military. If he is elected he will make Clintons weakening of our military pale by comparison.

  2. typical sleeper cell

  3. It wasn't up to him it was the democratic party that told him not to go visit the injured men because they said it was like compaining, even so we think his trip is just that, compaigning, he really he went over there because MaCain was complaiing about Obama not being over there and not knowing what it was about, so now when Obama talks about Iraq he can speak about what he has seen for himself, instead of listening to others and repeating that t has heard from others in the party.  April

  4. Agree with above answer, Obama will decimate the military.  He does not care for them at all.

  5. If Obama is having that much guts to see USA in secular & Peace place in world map, then he should punish both Pakistan & China. Not with Iraq...

    Sameer Singh

  6. hmmm .. sounds good, is there a video online? to be honest, I never thought Obama swung that way... I guess Ms. Hilton must have had a bit of neck ache by the time it came round to the wounded military's turn for some light relief...

  7. He is a political hack.  He got nothing out of it without his photographers and film crew so he finked out, like the scumbag he is.

  8. Americans go to Germany to see Americans??

    You miss the purpose of the visit

    Are all the hospitals in the states empty. he can visit them

    He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't

  9. This is all for show.  No cameras were allowed in the hospital, no Obama!!!!!!!

  10. That was in Germany that Obama decided that appearing before the German people was more important than visiting our wounded soldiers.  He stinks!!!

  11. Bush's Pentagon forbid him to meet with them.

    Bush is trying to hide all the soldiers that have been maimed in his war in Iraq.

    Obama didn't want to have the wounded and maimed soldiers pimped out for politics like your question is doing.

    What do you think about Larry Craig blowing off strangers in an airport Men's room?

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