
So what do you think of Sara Palin?

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So what do you think of Sara Palin?




  1. Sara Palin is prolife but has some very cruel beliefs on preservation of wildlife in Alaska. She kills and guts her own kill as the other woman stated which is such a contradiction. Women have fought for rights over their own body and she wants to take away that right. She has kept her Downs syndrome child which is commendable, but not all women could live with that decision. Having downs you are more able to contract blood cancer and heart problems. Knowing that I do not think I would keep a pregnancy under those conditions. I am very very afraid for America under their rule. As a Canadian I am praying for the commonsense of America to come forth and vote for change and that is Obama.

  2. Waste of space ?

  3. the girl is Q...look like easy to train..young and very away from washington,,She good fishing,hunting.

    Look like she will follow PaPa Mc real well.

  4. Redneck Valley Girl

  5. Well, since her 21 months of "executive experience" makes her more qualified than Obama 11 years as a senator, then that makes her more qualified than McCain.

    Based on folks out here knowledge, any way.

    But me, personally, I'd rather have a person at the helm of this country who has a brilliant mind that has been Harvard trained than an ex-beauty queen/sportscaster announcer any day.

    Bush had 8 years of executive experience.  And we all know how that turned out.

  6. Two year Governor, no experience, pretty...that's about it.

  7. Let's see. As Governor of Alaska, she fought the Big Oil companies and won. She is a strong supporter of 2nd Amendment rights, and appeals to all the gun totin' church goin' Dems that were alienated by Obama's dissing them. The fact that she is a woman is not relevant. The fact that McCain chose her to inspire the base is obviously working. While previously, the base might have been sitting on its hands in November, The base is just ROARing for a chance to get out and vote for McCain-Palin now.

  8. I think she was chosen just to get the female vote that Hilary left behind.  It's going to secure McCains victory over Oboma.  That's what I think.

    I also hope that she's got a very understanding husband who will take care of all those kids and the soccer trips.  She won't have time anymore...

  9. She will be our first ever Woman VP and our first Woman President!

  10. What an amazing person on many levels.  She does not know the word "can't" and I envy her accomplishments.  She strengthened my support for McCain.

  11. She has more practical experience for the Presidency than Obama has!


  12. She rules!

  13. I think she has a lot to offer and is an independent thinker who has many changes in Alaska for the better.  She has a huge following and a 90% approval rating.  She doesn't give in to pressure but follows her ideals.  I believe her history and the way in which she has carried on is a fine example which would certainly be a bonus for our Country.  I have no fears about her ability to handle the job.  She has many of the same values which I consider to be an important part of the position of VP and she has the conservative views which I consider a necessity.

  14. I have nothing against her personally.  She is probably very pleasant and clever.  But she is a bad choice as a running mate because it is obviously politically correct pandering.  I'm sure Alaska will welcome her back after November, at least until their own little election.

  15. Not much to think of; but enough to know there is no way in h**l she is qualified in any way for VP, but then, neither is McCain qualified for president.

  16. I think Hillary put 19,000 cracks in the glass ceiling and not a ******* one is for her!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. An excellent choice. I love her credentials. And finally an outsider to DC politics as usual.

    And better a VP on the learning curve than a president.

  18. she inspired me to vote this year

  19. She's only been in the eye of mainstream America for 24 hours. I will just reserve judgement until I have researched her a bit further (unlike 99.9% of the responders here).

    All I know is that she is a breath of fresh air in Washington. And it's not like Washington couldn't use a good airing out. It's gotten a little stale and stinky there lately.

  20. I don't like her.  Her stance on handling wolf and bear populations in Alaska makes her Pro-Life stance look hypocritical.  She also prefers to base policy on religious fundamentalism than scientific fact.  I think that makes her an irresponsible leader.

  21. I am beginning to not like her because of all the useless questions that have arrived because of her.

  22. Idiot.

    It shocks me that so many people like her.

    If McBush wins, I'm moving to Canada.

  23. Who knows we are just learning about her... she is a step-ford wife

  24. I never met her so I have no personal opinion. But I think she is an ambitious woman and if she can be a VP, then more power to her!  

  25. She scares me. She acted like she was running for president. She brings up in the speech how her husband won the ski doo race, I was waiting for her to say she won her grade 6 spelling bee lol..geesh. Then I find out she hunts and guts her kill, sorry but anyone that hunts and guts animals scares me. And since she kept her child which is commendable with Downs, why wasnt the child in the family photo? Not every woman has the emotional strenght to keep a downs child. Children with this syndrome has heart problems and often suffers from blood cancer. Very painful life and many risks. I know I wouldnt keep the pregnancy. She is over zealous and she will show her true colors very soon. Running a PTA meeting a mayor a small town isnt the same as running a country. So I think she is going to ruin the country is she is permitted to. God help you all.

  26. I think she will tip the scales in that direction.

  27. Another Republican't r****d taking up usable resources. It's already started about how the Democrats are going to have to "take it easy" on her. Forget that! Tell the truth about the Moose meat eater. BTW, how is eating Moose going to endear her to middle class America. Maybe she'll help bring in the Eskimo vote, that constituency that McShame has had trouble reaching.

  28. I like her she has shown she will not take *** off no one.And she is smart .and Strong.What a Lady .And looks good two Shows A Lady can be easy on the eye And SMART at the same time.Now that's my type  of a Woman!

  29. So far I'm excited but the Bible says to prove all things and to hold fast that which is good...james h.

  30. Totally awesome. She rocks!

  31. I like her.

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