
So what does everyone think of Sarah Palin's judgment regarding her pregnancy?

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And how will this influence your choice for president, if at all?

Here's something for your amusement:




  1. You are jsut jealous she is a female gladiator.

  2. It's not her baby anyway.

  3. the woman had 4 kids before. i'm pretty sure she knows how her body works. she probably knew that the kid wouldn't be at risk. and she's not from NY or CA where they go to doctors for everything. I find that she's couragous and an encouragment. It doesn't affect my vote.  

  4. As a woman, I'm very disappointed with her decision.  But even worse for me is that the baby is only 4 months old, has Down Syndrome, and she decided to run for VP.  This tells me that she is a very ambitious person, that won't put her family first.  Children with DS demand more attention than a normal child.  They need their mom by their side.  As a matter of fact I know some women that have quit their jobs to take care with their children with special needs.

    I can't identify with Palin as a woman at any level.  Hillary Clinton ran for President, but her daughter is 28 years old.  Hillary has her priorities straight!!!

  5. I, for one, am happy to see that she decided to keep her baby, even after finding out it would not be normal.  

  6. I figure she knows her own body better than, perhaps, you do.  I am sure after four previous children, she knows her delivery schedule better than her OB did.  If she got on a plane and flew back to Alaska "after her water broke", then it is because she felt, based on her past experience, that she had time to do that.

    You ask that question with the naivety that comes from either being male or never having had children.  When birth is imminent YOU KNOW IT and nothing in h**l can keep you from getting to a hospital, midwife, etc.

    There are these little things called contractions, you know?  Birth depends upon strength, duration, and interval.  

    Obviously, either her contractions had not started or were short, weak and infrequent enough to convince her she could return home from Texas.


    By the way, for your edification, just because your "water breaks" doesn't mean contractions automatically start at that time.

    See, this is what happens when uninformed people try to make accusations. Please be sure you have all your little duckies in a row before you try a question, or someone else will line them up for you.

    Edit:  PRlady, and THIS from a liberal?  Lol.  You think she should stay at home barefoot and pregnant?  Guess so.  BTW, what does that make Biden who took his oath of office at his son's bedside after his wife was killed?  Ambitious, maybe?  Uncaring, maybe?   Is that okay because he is male?  But you are a GOOD liberal Democrat, right?

  7.   I question her judgement.At 44 years old she should have taken better care of herself.At seven or eight months pregnant you don't get on a long airplane ride.As back-up to the presidency I couldn't vote for McCain,this being only one of the reasons.

  8. Wont affect my voting decision.  It was her decision.  People on the other side of the election want abortion anyways so how hypocritical.

  9. Foolishness

    Takes 24 to 48 hours on average to go into labor after the water breaks.  She lives in an area where animals are husbanded all the time.

    Only urbanites have no idea what is involved and make such silly statements.

  10. It was terrible and I will not vote for McCain.

  11. That's her business.  I would never purpose to know more about it than the woman herself.  It doesn't matter to me one way or another.  Stop reading The Daily Kos, it's rotting your brain.

  12. What a crock of c**p.  

  13. it is as relevant to me as the number of abortions that Michelle Obama and the first or second Mrs. Biden had.

  14. 1. It shows she has incredible focus.

    2. It shows she isn't a wimpy liberal that needs drugs to deal with the pain at the first contraction.

    3. It shows she has strength and determination.

    It was her 4th or 5th kid so she knew how long the contractions would take and kept doing her job until she needed to leave.

  15. The abortionists are furious at Palin.  

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