
So what does the rabble think about migratory birds dying in ponds created by Alberta tar sands?

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I s powering the SUVs that important that we are extracting oil for a ridiculous cost and killing wildlife in the more canary?




  1. With over a million barrels per day coming from tar sands, it's hardly likely to stop voluntarily considering the price of crude oil right now.  

    Producing crude oil from the tar sands generates up to four times more carbon dioxide, the principal global warming gas, than conventional drilling. The booming oil sands industry will produce 100 million tonnes of CO2 a year by 2012, ensuring that Canada will miss its emission targets under the Kyoto treaty.

    The oil rush is also scarring a wilderness landscape: millions of tons of plant life and top soil is scooped away in vast open-pit mines and millions of liters of water are diverted from rivers up to five barrels of water are needed to produce a single barrel of crude and the process requires huge amounts of natural gas. The industry, which now includes all the major oil multinationals, including the American combine Exxon-Mobil and Anglo-Dutch Shell, boasts that it takes two tonnes of the raw sands to produce a single barrel of oil. BP have jumped on the band-wagon too, wrecking any argument that they have any "green" credentials!

  2. watt

  3. The environmental impact of extracting oil from tar sands is enormous.  We shouldn't be doing it at all.

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