
So what exactly is kosher chicken?

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  1. chicken that has been butchered/killed according to Jewish dietary law (read the Bible book of Leviticus)

  2. If you had watched The Apprentice, you'd know.

  3. Lol its chicken that has been cursed by a Rabi, then they kill the chicken with out any chemicals or anything, basically, slit the throught and watch it bleed out. If your looking for a good time, check out some videos on how they kill cows in a kosher slaugher house.

  4. Kosher Chicken is a Jewish form, when having a Rabbi present to bless the chicken. Kosher is a very strong part of the Jewish Faith in making sure all Kosher products are blessed and marketed in the cleanest of areas.

  5. Chicken blessed by a Rabai.

  6. Kosher chicken is just ordinary chicken which has been slaughtered and handled according to the (Biblical) kosher laws.   The cerfication logos on a Kosher chicken package just indicate that a particular Rabbinical Organization has supervised the processing of the chicken.  In general, these laws require humane  killing of the animal using a single motion of a very sharp blade by a  religiously trained expert, called a shochet.   All blood must be drained from the animal, it is inspected for any sign of disease or blemish or malformation. The meat is salted and then rinsed off to remove any trace of blood.  Only cold water can contact it.   It is handled with special utensils and equipment which is not ever in contact with milk products or non-kosher food products.   A common misconception is that somehow the meat is "blessed" by the clergy.... actually the process is more like a health inspection.     Meat which does not make the kosher grade is usually resold to a conventional processor and ends up in the regular meat aisle of your supermarket.

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