
So what good things can biking do for you?

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what muscles do they help..can they flatten your stomach?

how long a day would be best to get healthy for biking?




  1. I bike an hour a day.  It's a complete workout.  Works just about all muscles.  The key is to do it every day.  Great for your heart.

  2. Biking helps many things, that is if you treat it as a serious thing.

    Biking as a placement for cardio, roughly 30minutes to an hour 2-3 times a week will surly burn fat and flatten a stomach (this is of course, when you use the 5minutes hard work, 5 minutes slow down, method).

    Biking can work almost any muscle in your body when worked the right way. The main however are your Calfs and Hamstrings, and other main leg muscles, as well as working the lower and upper back, including slight work on the lats, and some slight work on the arms and shoulders.

    Overall, biking is a great exercise and great for toning and weight loss, I suggest it to anyone wanting to stay fit, or get into shape!

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