
So what high school kids pick on each other with now, that will mean nothing later?

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When I was in high school I was one of the few kids that didn’t smoke. I got laughed at, and they said, “Everyone smokes, why are you so d**n weird?”. Well, I become very ill in the presence of it. That was over 20 years ago. Today, almost nobody smokes, and most places don’t allow it. Nobody criticizes anymore.

In high school I was into computers. I got laughed at. Today I make pretty good money as a software developer. Most everyone I know has two computers, and uses the internet. Many of the ones that called me a nerd are web developers now. Nobody criticizes anymore

When I was in High School I said I didn’t like children. People said, “Sure you don’t”. When I was 21, I had a vasectomy. My dating pool was shallow. Most men my age have vasectomies. Those that didn’t have children are called “Child Free”. A lot of my classmates didn’t have children. We have our own sub-culture.

Mainstream society is not ready for child free yet. A few still criticize.




  1. From what I understand, kids nowadays post nasty things about each other on their Myspace and Facebook pages.

  2. So what if they use to call you names you didn't smoke that's a good thing.  and you got a job with what you use to do i bet smoking gets them nowhere.

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