
So what if Sarah isn't the mother of baby Trig?

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If Bristol were really the mother then this just reinforces Sarah Palins pro-life, pro-family stance, and was also protecting her daughter, right?




  1. It's not her daughters.  Do you really think that she would have accepted the VP nomination knowing that she had a skeleton like that lurking in her closet for the dems to find out about and expose?

  2. This actually cuts against Sarah Palin's pro-life/anti-choice position, because she chose to put her unborn child at risk


    The Governor, a vocal anti-choice Republican, chose to return to Alaska to have her 5th child despite the following risk factors:

    1.  She was leaking amniotic fluid (her water broke) increasing the risk of infection.

    2.  She was 44 years old, a risky age for childbirth.

    3.  The baby she was carrying had known "special challenges" (down syndrome)

    4.  The child was one full month premature.

    5.  She flew from Texas to Alaska on a commercial airline (Alaska Airlines) while while leaking amniotic fluid, a 10 or more hour flight depending on the length and location of her layover.

    6.  She did not inform any of the airline staff of her condition.

    However, Gregg Erickson, a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, told the Daily Kos that the rumors had been investigated and debunked.  

    So it appears that these behaviors are not those of a person faking/covering up a pregnancy but merely those of someone with terrible, terrible judgment.

  3. It makes sense because in April she didn't look pregnant

  4. Yes, that's exactly right.

    And furthermore, if she was defending her daughter, and this is meant to hurt one of her own, those people have forgotten the basic rule up here in Alaska.


    Edit:  However, she wasn't simply defending her daughter, the  internet rumor is FALSE.  see the link.

  5. Shall we find out if Obama is really Michelle's baby daddy.

  6. Don't tell me you are buying this 12 year old spamming c**p.  

    My bet's on Palin to be A-OK.  She wants to fight corruption in politics and there is a frenzy going on because they're scared.

  7. Man you must be really bored and boring.

    Children who have Downs Syndrom are born to older mothers not 16 year olds.

  8. I doubt Bristol is the mother, it is just another media stunt. And if she was, oh well. It would be worse for Sarah if she made her daughter have an abortion after claiming she's pro-life. How could we believe in anything she said if it was that way. By letting her daughter have the baby she proves she really is pro-life and by making it pass as her own she lets her daughter live as the teenager she is.

    She did look pregnant in April, she just had a small bump. I'm pregnant and I barely show too.

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