
So... what if evolution ... wasn't as slow as darwin said?

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So lets say that evolution works out.There is not like a millions of species more missing like the once , like the onces in between like in half bird half reptile.

How comes , that is so different a human skull that a home erectus .

if evolution would be like darwing said very very slow , and only the changes that a species really need like growing a tale or whatever change would keep it as long as it needs it.

What if at certain point , evolution just jumps and give birth of the new specie.




  1. The modern theory of evolution recognizes both Darwin's idea of phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. Certain populations of organisms are more likely to evolve in one way or the other based on their biology.

  2. Scientists actually now believe that evolution often happens very quickly.  Rather than a long gradual process of change, they suspect that often changing environmental conditions prompt rapid changes followed by long periods of little change.  This has been observed with Darwin's famous finches in the Galapagos, when changing weather affects the available foods, and the birds' beaks change to adapt.  there are many other examples.

  3. Lamarck proposed just such a theory to explain evolutionary changes.

    " He believed that evolution was mostly due to the inheritance of acquired characteristics as creatures adapted to their environments.  That is, he believed that evolution occurs when an organism uses a body part in such a way that it is altered during its lifetime and this change is then inherited by its offspring.  For example, Lamarck thought that giraffes evolved their long necks by each generation stretching further to get leaves in trees and that this change in body shape was then inherited.  Likewise, he believed that wading birds, such as herons and egrets, evolved their long legs by stretching them to remain dry.  Lamarck also believed that creatures could develop new organs or change the structure and function of old ones as a result of their use or disuse."

    This lead to the experiment of cutting off the tails of mice. Lamarck's theory say be that after several generations, mice would be born with shorter tails and then with no tails. It didn't work. The Soviets in the 1930s were great supporters of the theory as they were trying to create the "New Soviet Man" (They also tried a human-chimp cross but that's another story)

    Darwin never used "survival of the fittest" The mechanism was that individuals that adapted well to their enviorment tended to reproduce and pass their traits on. Evolution isn't goal orientated. A species can't decide to grow gills and take to the water. Further, evolution is random. a desirable trait may be lost.

    You're not going to get the 'missing link" a half man, half ape.You will get variations in the species (we have two eyes, two ears, a nose and mouth but we all look different) and change over time

  4. It may even be possible for people to evolve during a single lifetime if the proper genetic nutrients are supplied. The result would be mutated super soldiers.  

  5. There is a school of thought that evolution jumps quickly. It's called "punctuated equilibrum." Or "evolution by jerks" by the people who don't agree.

  6. This would be a severe case of genetic drift and the result would be the "new species" would die off quickly because it could not reproduce with its mother species.

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