well can someone help me understand this. as a kid I used to get abused on weekly basis, belt lashes were actually mild compared to the random stuff that I got throwed at me, pagers, book stands, I once hit by a big metal object and my back was numb for quite a while because of an infection .I used to get called a lot of names, I don't remember that my dad for once told me that I am special or I should believe in myself. no, instead every time I demand something I get compared to others, well, if I am better I get examples of how economically marginalized people can't afford this and that and how I should be grateful for what I have. many many thing has happened that I cannot mentioned here but now that I am 22years old and proud that I've made it this far. I can't help but to think what if it did not happen like this, right now I have low self esteem and many psychological issues, at least I am not as depressed but I am trying to find why? so what do you guys think