
So what is bad parenting?

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well can someone help me understand this. as a kid I used to get abused on weekly basis, belt lashes were actually mild compared to the random stuff that I got throwed at me, pagers, book stands, I once hit by a big metal object and my back was numb for quite a while because of an infection .I used to get called a lot of names, I don't remember that my dad for once told me that I am special or I should believe in myself. no, instead every time I demand something I get compared to others, well, if I am better I get examples of how economically marginalized people can't afford this and that and how I should be grateful for what I have. many many thing has happened that I cannot mentioned here but now that I am 22years old and proud that I've made it this far. I can't help but to think what if it did not happen like this, right now I have low self esteem and many psychological issues, at least I am not as depressed but I am trying to find why? so what do you guys think




  1. any behaviour that continues to may a child doubt or feel bad about themselves is bad parenting. How you were raised is exactly what bad parenting is. Make sure you do not repeat the cycle on your own kids

  2. any parent who has the title of  a parent is a bad parent!!! says  the super book et moi!!

  3. okay no offense intended, but your dad and whoever else abused you were bad parents. but a bad parent could also be someone who was so over protecting they wouldn't let their kid have a life. another idea of a bad parent is someone who neglects thier children. like," I only have 3 rules in this house, 1. dont touch my smokes 2. dont touch by beer 3. leave me alone and nobody gets hurt!"

    a good parent is someone who can find the perfect medium and love their kid. good luck!!!

  4. First off, your father and possibly mother are bad parents.  A bad parent is a parent who is irresponsible.  Another example of this is my father who abandoned me at birth and then tried to come back into my life at age 18.  A bad parent cares more about their self than about their child.  A bad parent is not necessarily someone that can't give their children what they want and need.  I know many good parents that provide the main things their children need but are looked down on because they are not wealthy.  I believe in order for you to understand the difference between a bad parent and a good one you need to know what a good one is first.

    A good parent is a parent who loves their child first and foremost.  A good parent always loves their child, tells them how special they are, sets an example for them to follow, makes sure that they are healthy, makes sure that they are able to eat, and teaches them the difference between right and wrong.  You must always remember that a parent is first a teacher.  A good parent teaches his children that they can do anything they put their mind to, that they are beautiful, that they are the rulers of their own life, the difference between right and wrong, and that they are loved.  Don't get me wrong you must discipline a child but you do not physically or emotionally harm the child.  A spanking is not about physically hurting the child it is about letting them know that your not happy with their actions.  A spanking should not hurt anything but their feelings.  You never focus on the child while punishing them you focus on the action.  After the age of 4      I don't even believe in spanking.  I am a father myself and when my children do something wrong I make them physically work out.  I will have them do flutter kicks, front back go's, push ups, sit ups, and sprints.  This not only punishes them for their action but also helps ensure they are physically fit.  When my children get over I will give them educational punishment such as writing an essay, doing math problems, or reading a book on science and doing a book report on it.  A good parent will put their child’s needs over their own.

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