
So what is the whole "against PETA" thing that's going on?

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I'm veg and everyone is telling me all these horrible things about PETA like they're killing animals and stuff.

Did i miss something?




  1. What?! I never heard of that,

    I highly doubt that is true though.

    Where did you hear of that?

  2. they have a reputation for being militaristic. they're fringe nuts, mostly; baby boomers who need something to protest as a security blanket. deprive them this, and they'll go about protesting on one side or the other on abortion, g*y rights, etc. they're professional protesters, in other words. must be nice. not having to work.  

  3. put it this way - they are encouraging people to eat at KFC canada because they adopted "happy meat" - wtf?

  4. I can't remember the link, but PETA did admit to euthanizing many animals they couldn't find homes for. They claimed it was the "humane thing to do". They say it's better than leaving these animals to be abused or to starve.

  5. All I know that can easily be "proven" by reading what they have to say is that many of the members are fanatical, OTT, and all they make "infidels" do is stick to their (hunting) guns even more.

    As for killing animals - I'm not going to investigate that right now, but considering some of the loony toons that are a part of PETA, I wouldn't be shocked.

  6. Peta are the greatest domestic terrorist organization in the world


    Watch 7:30 - 15:30. The vid is highly biased but a good start for information.

    I can over look their extreme marketing campaign. I think it is distasteful - sometimes. However, I don't believe that violence is the answer. PETA give donations to people who are violent animal activists.

  8. I, for one, am a huge supporter of Peta. Not because of their actions but because of their intentions.

    Peta was a small organization in Norfolk, Virginia. No one would have heard of them if they weren't complete attention..seekers. They have to be publicity hounds and extremists. Or else you and me would have never heard of them.

    They do all of the crazy stuff they do to get publicity. People go on their websites, all huffy puffy and then they hear their message. Peace. Compassion.

       You see?

  9. While I'm not drastically against PETA or anything, a lot of what they do can be a bit shady (if that makes sense). While I think they have a good cause (since I'm vegan), they often go about it the wrong way.

    The thing that I think is really annoying, is Ingrid Newkirk wrote to some terrorists who blow up a donkey, asking them to keep animals out of the war. But when she was asked why she didn't ask them not to blow up people as well, all she had to say was that it wasn't her job to get involved with people issues. WTF??? It's not my job to raise money for world vision, but I do it anyway because I don't want people to suffer. Ingrid Newkirk talks about compassion for animals, but seems to not care about humans. That just doesn't make sense. She would be the only vegan I've ever heard of who only cares for non-human animals.

    Therefore, I think the cause of not wanting terrorists to blow up donkeys was right, but she should have put in a word for humans as well, since all members of the animal kingdom are equal. But while I don't judge the whole organisation on Ingrid Newkirks comments, I don't support them anymore (but I do like their cooking site

  10. Recently, some groups have made misleading claims about PeTA's euthanasia rate compared to the rates of various animal shelters. One such group is the deceitfully named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF)—a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters that kill millions of animals every year. These companies are worried about the strides that PeTA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously. They hope to scare people away from supporting PeTA by misrepresenting the vital work that PeTA does for animals. To learn more about CCF please see the following Web sites:




    Although PeTA does not run an adoption facility, PeTA has managed to place hundreds of animals in excellent lifelong homes. The charity also refers adoptable animals to well-known shelters with a high rate of public traffic. For many of the animals that PeTA does accept—such as those who are severely injured, aggressive, or otherwise unadoptable—PeTA is often a “shelter of last resort,” offering a humane death to animals who would otherwise suffer a slow and painful end.

    Many of the animals PeTA receives are broken beings for whom euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option. For instance, when a power-line transformer explosion burned a flock of starlings, PeTA was the only agency to come to the birds’ aid. PeTA offered the animals a painless escape from their suffering.

    PeTA receives calls every week from people who request that PeTA euthanize their animals, because they can't afford to have them euthanized by a vet or because the animals would suffer excessive stress and pain if transported. PeTA won't turn its back on these animals simply because they might make PeTA's “numbers” look bad.

    Unlike "no-kill" shelters, PeTA does not turn down animals if euthanasia is the only humane option for them. Many of the animals PeTA takes in are given to PeTA because they have been rejected by other facilities.

    PeTA has the animals' best interests at heart. Anti-animal companies make a profit from animal cruelty and will say or do anything to slander PeTA.

  11. PETA has always had  the reputation of being a group of fanatical people, and the reputation is getting progressively worse.  There motto is: "Hey, animals are people too!"

  12. PETA is a terrible organization - this coming from a vegan.

    They have DISGUSTING tactics, DISGUSTING ethics, and just a horrible campaign in general.

    They are CORRUPT and donations are being put in the wrong places (such as funding the releasing of their own criminals).

    What you've heard about killing animals;

    Go there. It'll explain.

    *edit* okay forget what I said about a longer response. Just go to that website I linked you to, and it will explain A LOT.

    I think Wikipedia's "conficts with other animal rights groups" section has a little info for you too, but it's really long, so I'll just give you the link, scroll down:

    Ha, I also just read on that article about them writing to people about killing animals in wars. Someone asked about why doesn't Ingrid say anything about HUMANS being killed in wars and she says it's none of her business. Well, that shows you exactly where their priorities are.

    Look at the answers here, not this girls deluded best answer, but the rest of the answers. They are EXCELLENT answers and better than any that I could have written.

  13. A lot of people aren't happy with the way PETA go about doing things, although i'm all for animal rights I often find it hard to believe some of the figures and things that they put out, and there is no hard evidence to support some of their claims - which may not seem like a big deal to some people, but to others it certainly is.  They also do really silly things, I remember speaking to someone that said a PETA protester handed her very young daughterer a "comic" about animal rights etc.  and it contained horrible innapropriate images for a young girl of her age, it's not right. That is just one thing out of a whole list of things that they do which are questionable.  I think that it's important to get the message out about animal rights but not in such a vulgar and unethical way, this is why alot of vegans and vegitarians get annoyed because we are constantly associated with this group and for negative reasons.  At the end of the day the desisions are up to you and you should choose what you want to believe in.  

  14. PETA is guilty of everything you have heard and more.

    Try googling  peta hypocrisy and make your own conclusions.

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