
So what kind of vitamins can you take to make you conceive

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so what kind of vitamins can i take to make me conceive easy-er? or make my conceive health-er




  1. You would have to go see a fertility specialist if you are having a hard time getting pregnant. Otherwise there are no vitamins or pills to help you conceive. However you can start taking prenatal vitamins to help get your body prepared for when you do get pregnant.

  2. Women are advised to take so-called "prenatal vitamins" before and during pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated multivitamins that supplement a diet and often make up for any nutritional deficiencies in the mother's diet.

    The most important ingredient in prenatal vitamins is folid acid, a B vitamin. Folic acid can reduce your risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect of the brain and spinal cord, called the "neural tube." In order to be effective, folic acid must be taken at least 1-2 months prior to conception. Because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all women of childbearing age get 400-600 micrograms of folic acid each day. In fact, the FDA now requires that all flour products -- such as breads, buns, and bagels -- be fortified with extra folic acid. A woman who has had a prior child with a neural tube defect should discuss the appropriate dose of folic acid with her doctor before her next pregnancy. Studies have shown that taking a larger dose (up to 4,000 micrograms) at least one month before and during the first trimester may be beneficial.

  3. I have heard that you can also take Geritol to help with conception. Many say this is an old wives tale, but others swear by it. I have a cousin that swears by it.  

  4. i've heard folic acid helps CM be healthier and function more...i read that somehwere...

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