
So what nickname would YOU give me?

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and no dotn be mean....but really ive always wanted a nickname

so what do i look like? name am perfecly fine with male or female names..preferably male names actually

oh, and do i look chickish? androdgenous?

oh my names maggie..bu ti love love i look like max?




  1. ur beautiful makie! i don't know for like a nick name nickname..... u look like a max, but i don't like that..... heehee, maggie's really close to my middle name, margie.

    oh, i just realized i called u makie, why not that?

  2. When I looked at your pictures, the first thing that popped in my head was "Kip" as name/nickname. I like "Max" as well.

    I'm not really sure why though...just something about it suits you. Do you look "chickish"? Hm, not really. You do look very androgynous, which is a very cool thing. Few people can pull off androgyny, but you do it quite well!


  3. Omg, I don't know about a nickname, but thanks for those pics.  You are freakin HOT.  But knowing my luck, probably too young for me. :(  

  4. MAXXXX :D.

    Definately suits you :)

    You're amazingly cutee <3

  5. Well, the first name I thought of was Moira. Not male, I know, sorry. I can't really see max. But how about Sebastian or Cyd?

  6. I don't like Max. Sounds like a dog to me :S

    What about Phil?

  7. i like the name maggie.. but i would say it in a weird way.. to make it sound like a nick name!!!

    but i like maxxie

  8. Hey!  I looked at your pic before reading the rest and "Maggie" actually came to mind!  Oh god, now I'm psychic, LOL.

    Max is great, an M name suits you, ;)

    You do look androgynous, that's a compliment from me- I'm pansexual, and think androgynous looks are great!  <3


  9. Max is good  so it Syd  both are unisex  max could be maxwell or maxine and sydney is a girl or boy name.

  10. Ms. Tries-too-hard.

  11. I think you look lovely and 'Max' (alternate spelling: 'Maks'- which in Russian means:'great') does sound a cool name!!

    Another name that can be used for both genders, would be 'Maxie,' it has a fun ring to it!

    I think androgyny is wonderful, you accentuate both masculine and feminine features and that's a beautiful quality!! =)

  12. max suits very well

  13. Max is good..!

    but I like Mavis too..or Malcom..or even Maddox..xD!

  14. Gloves, Bones, Slim ...

    And no you don't look childish, you look mysterious, yet approachable. And I actually thought you were a female in the first pic, second not so much.

  15. Caden :P

  16. MAC or what ever i can think of....

  17. the name max really suits you and you look androgynous to me

  18. I like Max. You look androgynous to me. --"You're looking very Shane today." lol

  19. how about.. hottest girl everrrrr =) im sorry. but its true  

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