
So what round is GSP gonna beat Penn in?

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HAHA, no really Penn is good, and even though I dont like his attitude I think he's got crazy talent, that being said I dont think he'll have an answer for GSP the second time around either, thoughts?

oh and no BJ Penn fanboys saying how he'll "destroy" GSP , We all know that isnt true




  1. penn is going to take that belt away from him and the first double champion.

  2. Gsp will **** BJ up in the 2nd , Blow J has no ******* talent only beats chumps and has beens but hops around weight divisions and gets title shots as he pleases.

  3. they did not announce it. plus the only person to stop pen is Matt Hughes when Penn was grossly out of shape and had a broken rib

    also Penn has beaten middle weights before

  4. I think penn wins only if he's in the propper shape, which I think he will be since this is the fight that he's wanted since he lost the 06 fight, thing is I think he won the first fight or at least should've been called a draw, if he had not have gassed he would most likely ended the first fight.  GSP is really good though and he has a h**l of a shot to win.  He is a little more diverse with the striking but I don't think he can knock penn out but on the other hand I think penn has the ability to knock him out, he hit's harder than serra and we all seen what one perfectly placed punches can do.

    I think if the fight goes the distance GSP wins I think his cardio will still be better and if the fight stops for a TKO, KO, or SUB then Penns hand will be the one raised.

  5. I still think that Penn won the first fight.  I think that we are seeing a different Penn that what we had seen in the past, to the same token, GSP is a better fighter since then also.

    But lets face it, even though Fitch is a freaking beast that just keeps taking a beating, GSP should have finished him and he didnt.

    Penn will take this fight, GSP does get the advantage at stand up, but Penn's stand up has gotten better, if it goes to the ground, Penn will submit him and become the Welterweight champ.

  6. I can't wait to see that fight, it is going to be crazy bad!!!

    I can't really say that I am completely convinced that GASP is going to take it though. I'm also not convinced that he's not. I can't wait to see it happen and find out though.

    I think it is going to be one of the most competitive fights the UFC has seen in a long time or maybe even ever. GSP is on an incredible roll of late, but so is BJ. Randy Couture said that when BJ came up and trained with him he had a hard time getting him down and keeping him down, so I don't know if GSP will be able to either. Striking GSP is definitely more well rounded than BJ because BJ hardly ever kicks and of course we all know that GSP is great with his hands and his feet.

    I give the stand up advantage to GSP and the ground advantage to BJ.

  7. Apperently half you guys dont give GSP enough credit. Ive never seen someone combine all the diff. arts so seemlessly....he is truly talented...On the other hand, Penn is also a great talent and tough...above all i think that this next match will go to a decision, just because both fighters REALLY dont want to lose....maybe BJ more than GSP......

  8. GSP is going to destroy him

  9. Did you see how much bigger Penn was compared to GSP when they stood face to face? Penn's gotten bigger, badder, and better since they last fought. GSP is good...but I don't think he's good enough to beat someone as great as BJ. Penn is more technically sound and he'll make you pay whether you decide to stand up or take it to the ground.

    For some reason, as humble as GSP is, he seemed a little timid through the interview after his last fight when questioned if he was looking forward to fighting BJ Penn. His words revolved around 'he thinks the best deserves the title shot' but rarely did he stick Penn's name in the picture to hype up a rematch. I dunno...that's what I saw.

  10. gsp wouldn't commit to saying lets fight after the fitch fight because he knows he's going to get spanked by penn.  

  11. I think GSP will beat him in the beginning of the 3rd round, it won't be easy though. It will be a very good fight.

  12. GSP will win with a vicious ground pounding in th fourth round. BJ is going to have to l**k his own wounds this time, because his opponent has been waiting for a rematch too, because his victory wasn't the way he wanted it to be. It will be a great three rounds but in my opinion as long as BJ fights top competition at 170, he won't be able to out last them. He isn't strong enough, and his body can't last the 25 minute run. Simply put his cardio loses out when put against guys who will continue to pressure him through out at higher weights.

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