
So what should I do.......?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I have the choice to leave the town that I live in or to move far away. I want to stay cause I'll miss my friends, but I want to move cause I love one of my friends and are friend realationship hasn't been going well. So what should I do?




  1. It all depends on your decision. It sounds like you really want to stay near your friends but you're avoiding one friend in particular (because of relationship issues). Don't move far, far away just to get away from one friend when you will miss the rest like crazy. I think you should leave the town (but not move far away) and that way you can keep in close contact with your friends. For the friend (that you love) I think you should have a talk with to sort out the relationship issues.


  2. Move far away.. would u rather have ur friends calling u every day and keep saying i miss you.. etc.. and keep thinking about ur friend that is having a bad relation ship with u at the same time..

    i'd rather move far away so i could start all new .. fresh.. get some new friends , start all over.

    if u just leave the town ur still kinda living the same way.

    honestly its up to you.

    good luck! [:

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