
So what should i take up for the summer?

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ok so i started shotokan karate a month ago and its ok but i want to compete and take up a real martial art. i want to take up boxing and theres a place for the same price i can go to. the summers coming up, should i switch to boxing for the summer and c from there or keep going to karate. i like karate but they dont compete, and do point sparring. i want to learn boxing but i like karate, what should i do for the summer?




  1. It reminds me of people unable to simply pick a channel for the duration of the show.

    You've been in Karate for a month. Do you believe competition makes it a real martial art? I sure don't. A real martial art is determined by your ability to survive, to endure, to persevere. If you want to compete, fine. But please do not confuse these things.

    Further, you've started something which you admit you enjoy. The summer is not enough time to develop any proficiency in either one, and certainly not the month you've been in karate.

    Pick whichever you want -- you're the one who will be doing it. However, whichever you pick, stick with it.

  2. Wow!!! I had no idea that Shotokan wasn't a "real" Martial Art.

    Be sure to go up to your Shotokan teacher and ask him this same question. Be sure to word it verbatim.

  3. Sounds like you've got a hankerin' for sport.  That's great!  Do both... Cross Training is great.  It would be like a football player running track in the spring.  The boxing will provide you the hard hitting you crave and the cardio conditioning you need.  The karate will provide you the diversity and self defense that will make you a well rounded martial artist.  If you only have the time or money for one, stick with karate since you've already started it.  The stick-to-it-iveness will help you and you can take up boxing in 3-4 years when you're required to cross train for your red belt.

  4. i think u should go to Gabrieles Karate Kickbox Studio in east lyme, groton, waterford, CT and south kingston, RI.   they do comtitions all of thetime. they evn have inner school tournaments  and point sparring wednesday, thursday and they have a separate class for sparring thursdays or wednesdays.  its awsome

    you should totally try it

  5. Shotokan is a real martial art and you are only a beginner with a month or two of experience.  Depending on how traditional and hard core your instructor is you will probably get more contact as your rank and experience grows if it is a tough, hardcore school and not the fluff and puff kind.  Boxing will give you more contact sooner and more of it since you don't spend time learning katas, promotion requirements or self-defense per say.  Since it is only for the summer I would do both if you can and the aspects and experience that you will get in boxing will help you in Shotokan when you get some rank and start to encounter more contact.

  6. i think you should learn taekwondo, i've tried it and it's pretty intense. there are also competitions.

  7. boxing is much harder then karate, boxing is full contact karate isn't you don't get any old men and girls in boxing.

    A good martial art is judo

  8. You know what, you should continue your karate like me. because it has self-defense technique and its impossible that they don't compete,our club competes and how about try to ask your sensei?.....

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