
So.....whatever happened to harmless little spring thundershowers? What's up with all the severe weather?

by Guest57768  |  earlier

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Why is it the majority of storms recently seem to always be extreme and severe? What happened to spring showers? I can recall a time when you'd have a thundershower or two, and then the weather would stabilize and remain nice for the rest of the summer- rarely were there these huge blow out, destroy all kinds of storms. It stormed through the winter, it stormed through the fall, and it's still storming now, more than ever. Is this simply some sort of climatic trend, or is the weather becoming increasingly more extreme and severe?




  1. I don't believe it's becoming more extreme and severe. I think the national news is spending WAAAY too much time on it, making you THINK that.

    The midwest gets floods just about every 4 or 5 years, but now, since Gore's dumb movie came out, it's like every raindrop has to be magnified into climate catastrophe.

    California has wildfires EVERY SINGLE YEAR, several TIMES a year, in fact. Now, suddenly, it's Global Warming coming to get us.

    15 years ago, there were major floods in the southeast. Did anyone get all hyperventilational (my word) about it? No.  It was just a natural disaster.

  2. You guys have been getting hit extremely hard ... but it seems that the storms are much worse than when I was young...

  3. Global Climate Change.

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