
So whats so wrong with weed? honestly?

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so i just started smoking weed not to long ago and im 18 years old and i use to be really against weed before i tried smoking but i also believe in "dont knock it till you try it" and i absolutely love it. i love how it makes me feel and how fun everything is and how much more you love people and are more creative. so what is really so wrong with it? it cant be much worse than ciggarettes is it?




  1. its never killed anyone b4 its safer than cigs and it makes you feel good so its not that badd 4 you, still a health hazard for lungs and mental  

  2. ok, i smoked it every day from 16 to 27 and i LOVED it. I am a 4.0 nursing student, so it didn't make me dumb... but I quit in May of this year, after 11 years of using it every day almost all day and I feel so much better about my goals in life now, it is not a bad drug but it holds you back, you become happy to sit around the house and do whatever, you lose friends that don't do drugs, you can't get a job that does drug testing, you can become addicted mentally to it and want to do it 27/7. It also causes lung cancer much more reliably than cigs because it burns much hotter and also you inhale the smoke much deeper. It can be mixed with other street drugs and be very harmful... I can't say not to do it but I can say you will go much farther in life if you quit now and focus on doing things that will take you forward in your life, like college and a good job.

    It gives you a false security, and you trust people that maybe you shouldn't trust. Also you might not make the best decisions if you are high, like practicing safe s*x EVERY time and deciding to try other drugs. I have a ton of experience with weed and it was a major love of my life. I tried some about 1 month ago and did not like it at all, it made me feel very anxious and panicked. It changes the chemicals in your brain and can lead to anxiety and depression down the road.

    Anything you would like me to expand on please feel free to e mail me.

  3. Sounds like you're liking it TOO much...quit while you're ahead.  It can make you schizophrenic.  Live in reality.

  4. Weed is a drug, if you use it for long periods of time your body starts rely on it. Heres a brief outline on what it does:

    The main active ingredient that makes people feel 'stoned' is THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. There are many other chemicals in cannabis, some of which also act on the brain.

    Cannabis affects your mood, thinking, concentration, sense of time and memory. Some of the effects are viewed as pleasant, and some are not always pleasant.

    The effects vary depending on the person using the cannabis and the situation in which they use it - but some of the immediate effects of using cannabis are:

    feeling anxious, panicky, depressed or paranoid

    bloodshot eyes

    dry mouth

    feeling hungry

    poorer short-term memory

    poor concentration - it can be difficult to pay attention

    losing track of time - ten minutes might seem like an hour

    changes in mood - for better or for worse

    changes in thinking - ie. seeing things from a different point of view

    poor coordination - eg. you may feel off balance

    heart beats faster

    blood pressure changes - eg. sometimes people might feel giddy on standing up

    some people feel that their breathing isn't right.

  5. Nothing is wrong with it as long as you really believe there is nothing wrong with it.  Everyone has a different opinion about weed.  My opinion is that it is the greatest drug there is (legal or illegal).  It makes everything better.  Food, activities, movies, t.v, s*x, and just haning out.  For me weed is a way to relax after a long day of stress and hard work.  I also have trouble sleeping at night and it really helps me get to sleep.  So for me at least, weed is great.  Other people think it makes you dumb, unmotivated, and lazy.  And I can't lie, for some people it does have these effects.  For those people I say quit right now because you should never let a drug hold you back from becoming somthing better.  As for me and a lot of other people out there, weed is not a bad thing.  I go to school full time and I work 30 hours a week and I get my sh*t done and I smoke weed just about every day.  And im not embarrased at all to admit it because I know for me it is not holding me back.  People who knock the drug without trying it cant really have an opinion about it.  Just make sure you get ur sh*t done and there is nothing wrong with smoking a little weed.

  6. it can make you or your kids MENTALLY RETARDED

    and it can lead to death or a shorter life!


  7. Smoking one is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigs.  Besides it's an illegal substance. Don't tell me, you have nothing better to do with your life do you!

  8. I will tell you whats wrong with weed. its illegal. there are too man nonviolent pot usesers who are in jail or paying fines because they sit at home and smoke herb. "if im causing no harm it shouldnt bother you" should be the standered by which we make laws. my only problim with weed is feels like im throwing my money away sometimes and I wish i could grow my own for personasl use only but i dont feel like spending a lot of time in jail.   smoking a joint is as harmful to your body as a half a pack of cigs. use a bong its healty-er. i dont believe the idea that it is a gateway drug. alchohol is much more gateway. since i started smokeing weed there has been two other drugs that i have done (lsd and mushrooms) and many otheres that i have passed on (coke meth exticy ect) in feel no desire to do those drugs

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