
So whats the real reason for these high gas prices?

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So whats the real reason for these high gas prices?




  1. because people are really g*y haha

  2. for $$. what else?

    it's something we need and so, they increase the prices of it

  3. Greed.

  4. 1) Opec is essentially a Monopoly.

    2) South Asia has introduced cars for $2500

    3) Fuel demand in china is raising exponentially.

    4) Speculators see a way to make a quick buck.

    5) The liberals don't care because $5 gas will push the need for alt-fuels.

    6) Corn crops are being flooded out, which is going to make ethanol prices go through the roof.  (This hasn't kicked in yet, you will know when it does).


  5. The real reason for high gas prices are Enviormentalists. They will not let America use their own sources. So we have to use offshore sources. Which just cranks up the gas prices because of transportation. If idiot enviormentalists would just let us use our own sources they would be much lower. But enviormenatlists are too thickheaded to see it is not hurting the enviorment.

  6. oil speculators..... buying stock counting on it will go higher.....

  7. I love to blame bush for everything i can but it isn't him.

    The reason oil is so high is simple. Increasing demand equals increasing prices. Saudi Arabia was musing about increasing supply last week, no doubt under US pressure, but that will ahve only  a small effect that won't last.

    We are all demanding more consumer goods; 3rd world countries that used to have a poverty stricken economy are now saying "We want some of the pie too". China and India primarily are the culprits but only because they are rushing in to satisfy the West's insatiable appetite for more and more "stuff". (One of the fastest growing businesses is self-storage...storing stuff we have moved from our homes to make room for more "stuff". Consumerism is our main religion now.) But added to this demand is that of the rest of the world who also want mp3 players, plasma screens, cars etc.

  8. politicians...  and their wrong economical advicers.

  9. The biggest factor in rising costs is the price of crude oil, followed by the cost of refining.

    If a gallon of gasoline costs $2.90 (this week's average, according to the Energy Department), crude oil accounts for about $1.60. The cost of crude oil on the futures market has risen about 33 percent in the last year. This reflects supply problems in such places as Nigeria, Iraq and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the threat of supply problems in Iran.

    Refining costs add another 64 cents or so to a gallon of gasoline. Refining margins have increased from a few years ago, and are especially high this spring, because many refineries are currently shut down for seasonal maintenance. Refineries are still recovering from the effects of last year's hurricanes. And they are adjusting to more stringent low-sulfur fuel requirements and the phase-out of the gasoline additive MTBE.

    The balance of the price is taxes -- about 55 cents -- and distribution and marketing costs, which account for about 11 cents per gallon.

    Hope that helps!

  10. We are gullible enough to pay them instead of rising up and saying ENOUGH.

    The suppliers just sit back and laugh.

    Just watch the price in the next couple of weeks, with the 4th coming up, rest assured those prices will JUMP

  11. do you really need to ask? c'mon...we have a president who's ENTIRE family is in the oil industry...and he's gonna be out of office soon...the price of oil magically skyrockets when he's almost gone, so he can have someone else clean up his mess while he sits on a big fat pile of cash...

  12. bush

    there you go

  13. Iraq has 1/4 of the world oil supply. When you cut supply as GWB did by going to war with Iraq especially while demand is on the rise prices go up. So when the President says supply is short remember who's responsible for this and why this is the case. Why? The president is using this crises that he created to say we need to drill on the continental shelf out off the coast of Alaska, Texas and other places. Every president helps their major campain contributers, but robbing the American consumers this way is not only dishonest it should be illeagle too. Its called market manipulation.

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