
So whch kind of people fly really first class if business is also available? I've heard that businessmen......

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..... don't fly first (because their company finds that business is quite OK). So, who flies then first? Private (affluent) people?




  1. I have often flown business or first class using an upgrade or just purchasing the better seat for a long international flight.

    Some companies have a policy if a flight is over 8-hours the person can fly business class.  Many times on domestic flight an upgrade can cost $30 not much to ask it a flight is full and you need the legroom.

    First class does have some advantage such as unlimited luggage by weight if you are flying international.  I have used this once or twice.

    Its not how much money you have it’s a matter of comfort and what’s worth to you?  I am not rich by no means of the term, but you can be very smart and purchase better seats for a lower price.  Having access to the airlines and other travel sites you can sometimes bid the price of the business/first class seat down.

  2. Yes, people who can afford it or people who are given free or cheap upgrades.  Credit card miles are good for this.  I wouldn't pay full price for first class, but if I can use my miles to get first class on a long flight, I'd do it.  Besides, those miles aren't good for much else.  Try to use them to buy a plane ticket and all you get are ridiculously invonvenient flights, like 17 hour lay-overs which ultimately take you 20 hours to go from LA to Dallas.

  3. People with money and people not buying their own ticket

  4. wealthy ppl and ppl using their miles to get free upgrades.

    first class can cost four times as much as a regular fare.

    is free champagne and a wider seat worth 4X?

    oh well some airlines have a first class lounge that may be worth visiting in some countries.

    but overall a waste of money.

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