
So when Israel attacks Iran & sends gas prices to $25 a gallon will that hurt or help the US?

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So when Israel attacks Iran & sends gas prices to $25 a gallon will that hurt or help the US?




  1. That will hurt the US, but it will also hurt Israel. However, you and I are just commoners, and they won't listen to us at all.

  2. Help in the longer run - it will help the US to end the uncertainty in the markets of when Iran will have its leaders replaced with non-maniacs!

  3. The currency is the problem. Iraq switched from dollars to euros and got invaded by crazy americans. Iran favours euros too, so is on the US hit list.  

    There is speculation that the current gas prices are caused by the US so they maintian contorl depite the financial mess caused by the invasion.

    Amustaph above makes a lot of sense. Cheers.

  4. israel ruined our life. why do u think the middleast is in big trouble. because the jews are there.

  5. the problem with Iran is that it wants to setup a spot market not based on the dollar. This would lower the demand for the dollar and have a bad effect on the USA's financial position. Everything else is b()llocks.  How the US can talk about Iranian human rights when it executes so many blacks each year I do not know.  Ever heard of Turkmenistan - a good ally of the CIA if not the American people.  They boil their dissidents alive. Look at the map, Iran is huge.  Also, the uranium purification processes have never gone above 5%- as needed for power stations, not plutonium manufacture.  Look at the map.  There are nuclear weapons in Israel, India, Pakistan, Iraq (with the Allies), Afghanistan (ditto).....Wouldn't you feel that it was the others who were the threat if you were Iranian?  Every time the Israelis and the Septics make threats, it just bolsters the right wingers.  The West should encourage progressive forces in Iran, but what does it do?  Declare the People's Mujahideen to be terrorists.  Great.

  6. Since we don't buy oil from Iran how does that send our gas prices up?

  7. You have got to be kidding me smith(I mean cheney)!!!!!! You are a complete a*****e!!!!!

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