
So when did pointing out America's faults go from being patriotic to unpatriotic?

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I seem to recall reading in history books about how the United States of America was founded by a bunch of people pointing out what was wrong with their country and demanding change.

I also seem to recall reading about all the changes for the better that came by later Americans pointing out their country's faults and demanding change.

Yet, now when you point out your country's faults, you're an unpatriotic whiner who hates America because you "blame America first".




  1. It's unpatriotic when you shift the culpability of your party to the other with the primary intention of abusing the angst of citizens in order to swing votes.

  2. Yup..that's Karl Rove

  3. What day did Bush start in office?

  4. Pointing out America's faults has never been unpatriotic.

    There is little parallel to pointing out America's faults and some of the absolutely anti-American venom that the far left spews out.

  5. If that's all you ever becomes apparent you lack the leadership necessary to do the job.  And that is all that Obama, and all of his associates, have EVER done.

  6. two words:  Karl Rove

  7. When it's done on foreign soil or when at war.

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