
So when does the canadian football season start?

by Guest33786  |  earlier

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Also is there a difference really between American football and canadian?




  1. it doesnt begins!

  2. Canadian Football? Why? Kidding all types of football are fun to watch. Anyways it starts in mid June. Difference player pay, the salary cap for a team is under 5 million, talent, rules are different like three downs in CFL to four in NFL. And lots more. Check out these web sites.

  3. i dont know

    my fourth internacional answer!!

    2 in Italy,1 in Australia and this one in Canada!!

  4. A few of the differences between CFL and NFL include, a bigger field in the CFL (110 yds plus deeper endzones vs 100 yards in the NFL) Twelve players per side vice 11.  Backfield motion permitted.  Three downs vice four.  Generally CFL players are smaller than their NFL counterparts.  The biggest difference however, is salary.  Since the CFL can't afford to pay the kind of money the NFL pays, they don't get the talented players like the NFL.  Thats' not to say the players aren't professional but it's more like AAA as compared to major league baseball.  IMO though, the CFL is a more fun league to watch.  With only 3 downs there's lots more throwing the ball than in the NFL.

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