
So when will the Bristol Palin - Levi Johnson wedding take place?

by  |  earlier

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If she's due in December, they'll want to have it before then so that the baby isn't born out of wedlock. Any chance it will occur BEFORE the elections? Will it be a big, fancy wedding? Will the press be invited? Will Sarah Palin be there with a shotgun to make sure the guy goes through with it?




  1. Who cares. That is their situation, and they have to deal with it. Palin should know by now how we are all looking at her.

  2. I think it's a bad idea if the two teenagers don't want to be married.

    They are kind of being forced into this to save their image and look legitimate after an unwanted pregnancy. I predict divorce within the first few years.  

  3. With Sarah Palin's support of abstinence only s*x education, I think having a pregnant unmarried teen daughter is relavent public information.  I don't think saying they will get married and keep the baby means there was good parenting or adequate s*x ed.

  4. Are any of your questions relevant to the November election?

  5. NONYA

    keep your nose out of places it doesn't belong.

  6. Like she is the first one to ever get pregnant without being married.  

  7. Yes, I agree, it's none of your business.

  8. none of your business

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