
So when you think of flight what do u think of???

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and plz dont say the obvious stuff like planes wings birds or anything... plz im trying to find more random things like paper planes of pegasus's.. so plz anything like weird stuff like not that popular and stuff like that plzzzzzzzzzz




  1. Noise.

    Rude flight attendants.

    Lost and damaged luggage.

    Morons at homeland security.


    Air pollution.

    Robotussin (I always get nasal problems unless I dose myself with cough syrup and wear a facial mask on planes).

  2. pelicans

  3. hahhahahahahahahahaha, you used the word, "plz", xD, sorry, thats just a funny thing,lol, um, anyway, when i think of flight, i think of the love of my life, to be honest, i have a long distance relationship, and im 13, so, i always imagine him flying to me.. :(, but everything reminds me of him anyway,so, yea...

  4. I think of that guy who shot himself with a gun that was attached to a helium balloon. He must have hoped it would float away, and thereby disguise the suicide. But it got caught in a cactus about five metres away.

  5. pagasus is weird so ar eyou.

  6. I thought of the myth of Daedalus:

    Among these anecdotes, one told in Ovid's Metamorphoses (VIII:183-235) that Daedalus was shut up in a tower to prevent his knowledge of the labyrinth from spreading to the public. He could not leave Crete by sea, as the king kept strict watch on all vessels, permitting none to sail without being carefully searched. Since Minos controlled the land and sea routes, Daedalus set to work to fabricate wings for himself and his young son Icarus. He tied feathers together, from smallest to largest so as to form an increasing surface. The larger ones he secured with thread and the smaller with wax, and gave the whole a gentle curvature like the wings of a bird. When the work was finally done, the artist, waving his wings, found himself buoyed upward and hung suspended, poising himself on the beaten air. He next equipped his son in the same manner, and taught him how to fly. When both were prepared for flight, Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high, because the heat of the sun would melt the wax, nor too low because the sea foam would make the wings wet and they would no longer fly. Thus the father and son flew away.

    Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (detail) by Peter Brueghel the Elder, ca. 1558[6]They had passed Samos, Delos and Lebynthos when the boy began to soar upward as if to reach heaven. The blazing sun softened the wax which held the feathers together and they came off. Icarus fell into the sea. His father cried, bitterly lamenting his own arts, called the land near the place where Icarus fell into the ocean Icaria in memory of his child.

    Eventually Daedalus arrived safely in Sicily, in the care of King Cocalus, where he built a temple to Apollo, and hung up his wings, an offering to the god. In an alternative version given by Virgil in Book 10 of the Aeneid, Daedalus flies to Cumae, and founds his temple there, rather than in Sicily.

  7. it made me think of family guy when peter made a slip and slide on his FLIGHT of stairs. honestly

  8. Dreams.  Butterflies.  Refugees.  Fireflies.  Astronauts. The coincidental fact that the word flight contains the word "light".  I think it's pegasi btw.  

    When I picture music, well some music anyway...not anything currently on MTV, I see a moving picture of flying through rhythms and waves.  

    The song that goes "fly like an eagle... to the sea..."

    The song "Into Morroco" by Enigma with Deep Forest always reminded me of some big bird like maybe an eagle or hawk soaring over the sky and land.

    Kittyhawk.  Interesting that that was the name of the place.

    Freedom, the wind in my hair and thousands of dreams about flying so high that I couldn't come back down, but sort of liking it anyway.  Arms outstretched and everything below, no matter how far away, clear as can be.

    And my brother, who is now a rocket scientist, eating a red white and blue rocket pop when he was 5 in the Oklahoma sun... dripping sticky sugary syrup all over his hands.

    Well that's what first comes to mind anyway.

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