
So where do you think the economy is going?

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So where do you think the economy is going?




  1. in the crapper.

    between the politicians and the Fed, there's nowhere else it can go now.

  2. where everyone else said

  3. The economic history shows nothing new. The repubs destroy it and the Dems bring it back. What Bill Clinton did with the disaster that senior him left with, is nothing short of an economic miracle. I just hope that Obama is up to the task. We'll see, we'll see.

  4. Down the drain

    1.12 trillion dollars of debt

    2. on the verge of bankruptcy

    3.Health care is ridiculous

    4.prices in everything is going up

    5. Our dollar has signaficantly lost its value

    George bush took a c**p on America and congress flushed the toilet

  5. It goes to that big tube hooked up to your toilet and disappears under the street somewhere.

  6. I think that its going to h**l in handbasket.  The partisan divide in the congress is deep.    I think that the US is borrowing way too much money to cover the cost of the Iraq War and cover the revenue shortfall caused by the Bush Tax cuts.

    We need to stop borrowing money but to do that we need to do the following.

    1)  Get of Iraq asap

    2)  Eliminate the tax breaks that Bush gave to the wealthy

    3)  The Fed will need to increase interest rates slightly to reduce the M-1 money supply.

    Doing #1 and #2 will cause GOP neocons to whine.  If the Fed cuts M-1, interest rates will rise which will be inflationary and slow growth, but that will be temporary pain as the nation weans itself from the 'borrow and spend" economic policies of the Bush Administration

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