
So which one is it, Obama?

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Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided. [Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference, 2008-06-04]

Obviously, it's going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues. And Jerusalem will be part of the negotiations. [Interview with CNN, in response to a question on Jerusalem, 2008-06-05]




  1. Different day, different Hussein Obamamy stance.



  2. He hasn't been told which one it should be yet, so he is confused..

  3. Thank you for an actually question, not a political statement. He has clearly changed his mind on this, and it will depend on his audience. Sounds kind of like his promise to end the Iraq war, wait I will evaluate it and talk to the commanders, wait I think I'll just end it.

  4. I would suggest that we stop giving the Apartheid State billions of our tax dollars in Aid... and force them to negotiate with their neighbors....  

  5. He's like Kerry.  He's for it before he is against it.  He changes his mind when something becomes unpopular.

  6. He speaks like a true politician - to his audience.  

  7. Well, I though Palin wanted to build a Bridge to jerusalem, until Congress pulled the funding.  Of course she lied about the Bridge to Jerusalem funding and said she did not want it after all...

    BTW, Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel.  Jerusalem was captured Palestinian territory and not supposed to be part of modern Israel.

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