
So who's been to/ live in Rio de Janeiro?

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I really want to visit, and I believe I am street smart...But man, just that extremely high crime rate, and reports of things such as tour buses being caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout, sometimes make me think the risks are not worth it.

I'm generally okay with risks and all that, but it's not true when people say Rio is "like any other big city" and visitors should just be cautious. It's NOT like any other big city (not like most big cities, at least), it's crime rate is way higher than any U.S. city (except comparable to D.C.). I was in Peru last Summer, felt safe in Lima, but again, Lima's crime rate is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy lower, so how can I just think of it as "like any other big city"? Suggestions? Is it possible to actually relax when I visit Rio, or will I always, constantly, be preoccupied with how to stay out of trouble?




  1. Here we go, I was born in Brazil but I left to America at age 2! I think it wasn't violent at all! But it depends on where you go! Like to a super poor neighborhood, then you'll get in a lot of trouble! If you go to a wonderful beach where it's not near a BAd NEIGHBORHOOD, then you can go! Just be carefull! It's a wonderful place! A beautiful  wonderful place that is pure and natural

  2. i plan on living their

  3. Forget Rio de Janeiro and visit my city Belo Horizonte where the crime rate is too much lower.Also visit the Historical cities of Minas Gerais state like Ouro Preto and Mariana.I'm Brazilian and i would never go to Rio ,it is too dangerous!

  4. My city is NOT like any other big city. It is a wonderful a city and beautiful! Well the visitors I have seen tell they are delighted for Rio. And they ALWAYS  want to back some day. Just be careful and read P.Salm 91. I am not kidding. I do and I have never been stolen!

  5. My husband travels for business and I have gone along 3 times on trips to Rio.  There are folks there who will steal anything that is not nailed down.  Expect, if you go into a crowd, that your pocket will be picked!  You will feel nothing, but your billfold will be gone!  Wear your billfold on a chain around your neck!  Leave your room key at the hotel -- never take it out on the streets in your possession.  If you go to the beach, take nothing with you.  They'll steal it!  There are absolutely gorgeous parts of the city, but there is extreme poverty and desperate people.  Mexico City is a walk in the park compared to Rio.  Be careful!

  6. I live in Rio, have lived in Venezuela and the US and have traveled all over Latin America and Europe, and do not think Rio is overly dangerous.  

    The crime rate "overall" is much higher than the average US city for sure, but there are places where you can go and be fine.  Of course there are certain areas (the slums) where I wouldn't go in during the day, much less during the night (think certain parts of New York during the late 70's).

    I'd just say be attentive.  Don't go out carrying your gold rolex, or wondering aimesly, specially up the mountains.

    But do come, you hear about the tourists that have trouble, but you forget that you don't hear about the other thousands upon thousands that come and go and have nothing but good memories.

  7. No other place in the world is like Rio.

    It can be very dangerous for stupid or selfish people.

    I am talking about the kind of people that think their culture is the only right one, and the whole world should adapt to them.

    People who do not look around and see all the poverty, and still want to go to the streets with their flashy jewelry. People who don´t notice that their wealth is probably one of the causes of our poverty, and that their countries are oppressive against our economical development.

    People who do not realize how badly Brazilians are treated at their countries, and want to be specially well-treated here because they are citizens from those countries...

    It seems that it worths the dangers, because they keep coming.

  8. People sensationalize Rio.  Actually there are dangerous parts and safe parts.  Most tourist areas are not overly dangerous and if you are street smart as you say you will not be robbed.  be careful but enjoy yourself.  I have lived here for 16 years with my American wife and four small children.  I feel safe all the time, I ride public transportation and have never been robbed.  I was caught in machine gun cross fire twice but now I avoid linha amarela after 11:00pm

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