
So who's pissed about the floor finals last night?

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Ok, so last night, shawn johnson an nastia did perfect floor routines. I mean, after they did it, i felt like wow! thats the defenition of a floor routine! Then, this romanian girl comes along and ends up taking the top spot! i was really just pissed (yes, i understand the whole scoring with difficulty and everything) becuz she didnt even like dance that much. i thought i was looking at a men's routine becuz of all the tumbling. and after it, you didnt really feel the same thing like u did after shawns and nastias routines! im sorry, but i just think that there should be more dance and expression in a routine that beat out the best 2 gymnasts. i think shawn or nastia deserved to win. who feels the same way? anyone differently?




  1. Shawn and Nastia should have gone 1,2

  2. I don't know, I felt that the Romanian girl had a great routine, but she also had the advantage of going last. I bet if Shawn and Nastia went after her, they would have beat her. I'm confident that they'll both come home with at least one or two golds (my fingers are crossed!!!), but the Romanian girl was great on floor last night, and deserved the gold.  

  3. No, that Romanian girl deserved the gold? As mad as I was because Shawn didn't get gold, it's okay. The other girl was just better, although I didn't enjoy it as much as I did in Shawn's routine because hers(the Romanian) wasn't as unique.

    TEAM USA!!!

  4. you're right, shawn should have won.

  5. You realize the last person performing has a huge advantage, and Romania's famous for their gymnast, so overall it was expected. Romania's gymnast team is like China's table tennis team. Think about i.

  6. I was not.

    Romanian girl was amazing. The landing was flawless and are 'stuck landings' . Even Bela agree with judges this time.


    Shawn Johnson

    Nastia Lukin

    is the correct medal order.

  7. i wasn't happy with the floor finals, but i was even more mad at the vault finals... poor alicia

  8. GO SHAWN! I think she deserved to win all of the way! >:(  

  9. Gotta give some kudos to the scoring on this one.  Shawn did have a bit of a misstep on one of our tumbling runs, but this Romanian girl planted each one.  Yet overall, there scores were very very close.  I think it was fair.  Americans got robbed on the vault if anything.

  10. It was a Gymnastics competition, not a dance competition.  She deserved to win the Gold. She is incredibly talented!!!!!!!

  11. come on, did you see that girl? she was so good.  all her landings were perfect.

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