
So who are the Lewis fans blaming today?

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As always, the Lewis fans lack guts and wanna find scapegoats to lay blame of their boy's failure on. You'll NEVER see them admitting like "Yeah look, Lewis drove very stupidly". The self-righteous blokes they are, they always blame somebody or the other for the naivity and amatuerish display by their boorish brat. So whose it this time guys? Who have you thought abouyt blaming this time round?

Or have you people grown an iota of guts to admit your lad's f-up?




  1. I like Lewis and if you check back over my questions and answers you will see that I have not made excuses for his mistake. I've never seen you say anything nice on here about anyone. you are always slagging us Brits off too so I see you as a bit of a racist.

    edit: its not just the LH fans you have a problem with, its all Brits. You accuse us of killing Diana, funny that she died in France god rest her. you say Brit girls are horrible, shall I go on? IMO that's Racist. Oh and I'm not a guy or a dude

  2. he deserves the middle finger and a beat from kimi raikkonen!!!he is g*y,man!!!he was afraid of alonso,alonso leaved McLaren,even though he didn't have a good car(Renault)!!!gaymilton is afraid of kimi,kimi will be the champion like in 2007!!!or kubica!!!he deserved the win today!!!

  3. Hmmm... I have no idea what more dumb things they'd (some) come up with! I seriously think it's ridiculous to always defend someone or come up with excuses for their mistakes. This is a sport, for goodness' sake, use your head and not your heart or whatever it is some of those fans are using! He made mistakes and if they were truly fans, they'd be able to admit that. It doesn't help that Lewis himself thinks he's so darn great..

  4. It was Sutil's fault for crashing and making the safety car come out when it did.  Lol.

    It was quite funny seeing lewis push the camera away, he usually like all that attention..

  5. i think he wasn't focusing much !

  6. I like Lewis, not his biggest fan but he made 1 h**l of a goofy error today, that ruined an innocent driver ( Raikkonens) day....

    Bet it made Sutil chuckle after what Kimmi did to him at Monaco!

    100% Lewis' fault, he must of seen the others slow down and his team must of told him about the red light, a mistake that may prove costly by seasons end.

  7. did you see that smug look he had on his face when Kimi was walking up to him and wagging his finger at Hamilton? not one ounce of remorse on his face. Kimi should have decked him!!

  8. Good question. But I have to say tht there are Hamilton fans who have admitted that it was his error and they are not making excuses for him. But some of them have been quick to blame the FIA, saying that the red lights should've been green. Reason being if the pit lane is open, why prevent drivers from exiting. Who else they blame I dunno? Probably karma, feeling that Kimi rammed into Sutil in Monaco and he's getting what he deserves now. (What??)

    It's always easier to blame someone (or anything) than to own up to one's mistake.

    It was Hamilton's fault here no doubt. He admitted to his mistake. Not only he ruined Kimi's race but his as well.

  9. I'm a fan of the lad but he made a stupid mistake and quite rightly, should be feeling a bit poo right now.

    Anyone who blames the FiA, Karma, the sunshine (!) or god knows what else, ask yourself this; If you were at a set of lights and some boy racer smacked into the back of you in his Merc, would you blame karma? I know I wouldn't!

    s**+it happens and that really is all there is to say!

  10. The guys a whinging t**t.

    Remember it was his dangerous driving that took out Vettel and Webber last year in Japan.

  11. Blame the FIA it is stupid of them letting cars in if they are going to close 10 - 20secs later

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