
So who believes that Bigfoot is real now?

by  |  earlier

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Now that they have a dead body of a bigfoot.

I always believed there were Bigfoots, and now there really might be BIGFOOTs roaming around.





  1. Hate to burst ur bubble actully bursting bubbles is fun but  Big Fut isn't real thats either a gorilla or a fake suit.

    P.s that is  so gonna give me night mares for at least a week!!

  2. waiting for the dna before i make speculation.friday we should know more.

  3. I agree that Bigfoot is a real creature, but unfortunately, this is a hoax.  I have become familiar with Biscardy and his ilk and you cannot trust anything associated with him.  It is very unfortunate because people start seeing these things and they end up being hoaxes and it makes everyone poo poo anything about bigfoot.  

  4. Yes.  My husband seen one and our car was grabbed by one.

  5. bigfoot pictures found in georgia | Bigfoot dead body news | bigfoot carcass discovered and corpse

    bigfoot pictures found in georgia | Bigfoot dead body news | bigfoot carcass discovered and corpse

  6. We'll have to see what comes of those supposed DNA tests that are to be announced on Friday. Until then, it's just another claim.

  7. Too bad, but this is a  hoax. These two rednecks are trying to pull one over on us. That picture of the creature in the freezer has the exact same face as a mask I saw online.

  8. When you mentioned "Fox News" I knew this was a hoax because if you only watch this channel, you are not getting the facts about what is going on in this country.  So tune in to another channel so that you can be better informed and try not to watch Fox's slanted and deceptive so call news.  Big Foot is not real.  

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