
So who do you think is the tough one: Sarah or Hillary?

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We've all heard about how tough Hillary is but is there a new contender in the ring?

Who do you think is the toughest?




  1. Hillary. That wasn't tough. You don't need to be tough to lie. You don't need to be tough to lack true substance. And you don't have to be tough to stand on stage and do as you are told.


  3. Hilary.

  4. Sarah is my new champion

    I sanction her the toughest

    Hillary can't maneuver around the ring

    wearing those ugly pantsuits

  5. Sarah Palin hunts moose in Alaska.  That is tough.

    Hillary rolls over and lets Bill get away with having affair after affair... that's NOT tough.

    Sarah is the one who is really tough.

  6. hillary

  7. Sarah. She has actually accomplished things and fixed corrupt systems.

    Exactly what has the Hildabeast accomplished besides getting her husband elected?


  8. I can't answer that until they go head to head.

  9. Hillary, my dear, would eat this - until yesterday - completely unknown nonentity for breakfast.

  10. Hillary showed how tough she ISN'T during the primaries.  All of her "toughness" turned out to be PR, not reality.

    Consider this:   Hillary has ALREADY been slam-dunked by a complete nobody who has even less experience than Palin!  This was supposed to be HER nomination, wasn't it?  Who's this Obama guy?  143 days in the Senate?  A complete do-nothing!  He can't talk off the cuff - he only orates well when someone writes a speech for him!

    And he stopped Hillary cold, long before the convention.  With all of George Soros' money behind her, this twit stopped her cold.

    Yeah, Hillary is tough, alright.  Tough like Richard Simmons!  :D

    Palin has proven her toughness.

  11. are you for real? Hillary would eat Sarah for breakfast and still be hungry.

    FYI: speech writer wrote the speech for Palin last night, she just read it from the telepromter. We will see how tough she is when she faces questions from reporters and can't wait to see the debate with Biden... OMG...she will be crying by the end of the debate!

  12. Oh it's Sarah. Yes is on the ball when it comes to confronting the good old boys. She does it in a very different manner than Hillary. This women is assertive, where Hillary is aggressive.

  13. I want the smarter one, not the tougher one.

    That would be Hillary, hands down.

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