
So who else agrees that it's time for Aaron Rodgers to stand up for himself and demand a trade?

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He does not deserve this BS that the Packers are giving him. They once guaranteed him the starting spot and now it's up for grabs just because the Drama Queen whined for a month. How unfair.




  1. Really I dont care, my team doesnt have a QB problem.

    GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!

  2. I hope he fights for the job.I do not know how long he has on his contract.I do not see him staying with Green Bay after it is up should he be made to compete for the starting job.if it were me in charge Favre would be working out on a field on a field with himself and maybe 2 other coaches.this way the media attention would be away from the players.  

  3. The one thing Favre hasn't said was how this would affect Aaron Rodgers. For the Packers to say on national t.v. that Rodgers was their starter and now flip-flop and have a open competition is a straight slap in the face. Rodgers should ask to be dealt. Eventually the Packers have to see what they have with Rodgers. Favre is going to retire ( again ) someday and need to have a plan B .

  4. After all the c**p he got from the Brett Favre fans and not his fault that Brett's word isn't worth a crock of $hit,yeah he should ask to be traded,that would leave the Packers with no quarterback for the future and flip flopping Brett can't be trusted

  5. Aaron Rodgers needs to just shut up and sit on the bench while Favre plays.

    He knew when he got drafted by the Packers, he was going to get ZERO playing time, because as long as Favre is there, he's not missing a game. Rodgers hasn't proven a THING in the NFL, and he has no grounds to be traded.

    If he has anyone to blame, it's the Packers for treating Favre like c**p, and try to rush him into the starting lineup. The Packers, specifically Ted Thompson, showed just exactly what their M.O. was this entire offseason: try to get rid of Brett Favre, and put in Aaron Rodgers. Now that Favre is back and they were too cowardly to release him, their "competing" for the starting job.

    No offense to Rodgers, but Favre is going to beat him out in a week tops. I know they say they've "changed" the offense for Rodgers, the offense hasn't changed at all. Yeah they may have added some new formations, packages, and a few plays, but the terminology is exactly the same, and Brett knows the West Coast Offense like the back of his hand.

    Sorry Aaron, one more year of waiting.  

  6. But really...what has he done? I mean it would be like any other rookie demanding a trade.  if he gets traded the best he will get is to be a backup again. Really Rodgers just has to fight for his job and make the most of that.

  7. I would definitely demand a trade. ESPECIALLY since they drafted Brian Brohm. The whole Favre thing would eventally calm down and he inevitably would become the starter next year or whenEVER. But the addition of Brian Brohm it adds another dimension. Were they drafting him because they really didn't have much confidence I Rodgers to begin with? If so and they think they have a better thing in Brohm, then it would be the ideal scenario to get rid of Rodgers. Think about it; You want to get rid of him but you can't without adding more pressure on your team to succeed after Favre retires. You really like Brohm. A LOT. Best thing to do? Allow Favre to come back COUNTING on Rodgers demanding a trade, and allow Brohm to learn a thing or two from Favre for a year when he'll inevitabley retire. I personally think Brohm would be better for Green Bay. He's fresh and if he makes mistakes it's okay because he's just a rookie. Imagine if Rodgers stinks up the joint what people are going to say? I'd say a move would be better for his image because he hasn't really had a chance to perform and would be welcomed by other teams instead of being known as the guy who couldn't cut it in GB after Favre left. He'd definitely get more money if he left and wouldn't have to live up to all the hype people do once a legend retires. I think we can all agree he's not going to be another Steve Young. Just my opinion. Great question.  

  8. The Packers have shown their true colors as an organization.  First they tried to bribe Favre.  Then they went back on their word that Aaron Rodgers was the starter.

    Yeah, he should demand a trade.  He won't though.

  9. it's always business... and last time i checked his checks are still cashing.  he just needs to beat out brett favre becasue if he can't do that then he doesnt deserve to start  period

  10. If he has to backup Favre now after they gave him their word then I would ask for a trade. How can he ever trust them after that?

  11. AGREED!  Either demand a trade or ask for the 25mil. to ride the pine that they offered Favre not to play!

  12. He's a free agent after this year, and since there now now way he will re-sign with the Packers, they would be better off trading him now. Either way, my guess is that he'll sign with Minnesota at the first opportunity.  

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