
So who else got into a car accident because of the ice...?

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A couple of days ago, I got into a car accident because I accidentally took a turn a little too fast for the slippery conditions outside. My car lost traction and my brakes locked up, therefore my car slid into a big SUV. There is considerable damage on my part. Now I feel pretty awful about the whole situation and it would help me greatly to know that I am not the only one who gets involved in these type of situations. So share your stories. What type of accidents did you get involved in due to the ice and how did it happen?




  1. I own an Civic and Audi (4WD) and even then I try not to drive when it snows (or gets cold enough for ice).  Not that I would drive fast.  But because I know people like you are coming around the corner.  No offense but I'm serious.


    Good Luck

  2. Not me, I drive a semi on ice every winter........

  3. Not me..........Ice and Snow = Slow.

  4. I had an accident driving on ice.  Camp Verde Arizona on the Interstate heading south at 75 MPH.  It was August 2002 and outside temperature was 108 degrees. I was running my air conditioner. Suddenly my cruise control lurched. I realized I had picked up speed but my speedometer dropped off car began swapping ends and I maintained my lane of travel. But to avoid another vehicle I had to put it into the center ditch.

    Cause: A microburst storm moved through just ahead of me but obscured by the mountain. Some reported it as a tornado. It laid a sheet of ice, invisinle ice down just in time for my arrival.  The same storm had shattered windshields of numerous cars.

    Returning home from Phoenix 4 days later, I encountered a tornado for sure. But this time I pulled over and waited till I felt it was clear. This one occurred with temperature in the mid 90's

    I really got sucker punched with ice at 108 degrees though. That sort of thing just isnt supposed to happen, especially in August in Arizona.

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