
So who else was crying - or nearly - at eastenders?!?

by  |  earlier

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come on, be honest!!!




  1. No one except really stupid girls  

  2. OK, too be honest i was almost crying.

  3. i cryed loads. ***** help it very very sad how gutting would that be like.

  4. it was a bit stupid to be honest. It was more upsetting when we watched little willy pass away

  5. My wife is sniffling and I keep taking the mickey ! lol

  6. Was Sooo Sad!! Nearly Cried But Held It Back!! Lol

  7. no, the one where wellard dies is more sad

  8. Absolutely devastated! The worst thing is, I knew he was going to die but still sat here saying "please dont die!" Poor Jay :(

    Tomo night is going to be another tearjerker! x*x

  9. omg so sad....

    very well acted...

    real sad wen jase was aving the flash backs of him and his son jay....


    i had a lump in my throat....(ssshhs) secret dawn mite be pregnant :@

    gonna miss jase he was hot ;)

  10. haha yer i did it was soo sad :(

  11. I think the question should be "who wasn't crying?"

  12. yes me and my mum cried! and proud!  

  13. No i didnt BUT IT WAS SOO SAD




    wow.  u wrote this really quickly after the episode didnt you!!


  14. im 15 weeks pregnant and refused to watch it tonight coz i knew i would no doubt be sat crying for an hour afterwards because of my hormones. hope it was good

  15. i was, it was so sad with jay crying and the flashbacks and everything first time i have EVER cried at the tv lol

  16. me! tears at my eyes :(  poor dawn!!!!

  17. Ok, I admit it - I actually cried at an episode of Eastenders!! But poor Jay - I felt so sorry for the little guy :*(

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