
So who here gives good advice?

by  |  earlier

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Well, basically one of my closest friends who is a year older than me is graduating this year, and she and our group of friends all invited me to go to her last prom which is not at my school. I DO want to go and support her at her last dance, but there is a problem. Her close friend will be there, this girl is happens to not like me very much. And to add to that, I won't know any friends aside from the ones that invited me. Which means that she can engage everyone into a conversation with her, and exclude me by any means possible.

It makes me feel really insecure because this girl is BEAUTIFUL and popular. I want to be able to go and enjoy myself, but the fact that this girl may be looking at me, and silently criticizing my looks, my dancing, and my personality is eating away at my self-confidence.

I want to squash the feud between us once and for all, but I've been told that she may be aloof and distant to people who she doesn't know.

I'm really torn about this, I feel like no matter how well I dress or dance or act she will always be better.

Normally I'm not this insecure but for some reason this is eating at me more than other things would. It's grown to the point where I almost want to skip her prom to avoid seeing this girl.

(Sorry if this was a repost, I accidentally deleted this question >.<)




  1. I understand how you feel.  However, this is something you will experience all of your life.  You will go through life and have to deal with people like this all the time, in situations you can&#039;t run away from.

    Instead of thinking;  &quot;She is silently criticizing my looks&quot; or &quot;my dancing&quot; or whatever...think &quot;She is complementing my looks and dancing&quot;.

    If that doesn&#039;t work for you; try to just stop thinking.  And if you must think, think about how beautiful you are.  About what a great person you are, and that you have no reason in the world to not be confident in who you are.  Be proud of who you are.  You know who you are, and don&#039;t be afraid to show this girl who you are.  Besides, if you just be yourself, she might like who you are.

    Don&#039;t let looks intimidate you.  Sometimes looks just show a lack in personality.  Sometimes they are meant to hide things.  That being said, just stop thinking that she is so beautiful and popular and has this awesome life, because you don&#039;t really know what her real life is.  In fact, you could be a way better person than her, but be intimidated by looks to never know it.

    Don&#039;t let popularity scare you either.  I used to care about that.  Now I realize, it doesn&#039;t matter.  Because once you leave high school, you never have to see those people again.  So have fun now, and be who you want to be.

    Meet new people.  Talk to them.  Try your hardest to get out there, and be willing to chill with new people.  So her best friend isn&#039;t exactly the most accepting, but she will not start a scene knowing that you are friends with her best friend.  Besides, sometimes you just need to talk a little to get over the bump in the road.  Be yourself, be nice, and don&#039;t give her any reason to not like you.  There was this girl on my field hockey team who hated me for no reason [she was &quot;popular&quot; and I wasn&#039;t].  However, no matter how many insulting things she told me, nor how many times she tried to correct me even though I have been playing field hockey 4 years vs. her 0 years, I kept being nice to her.  I would say hello, and I would include her in team conversations, and I would compliment her.  Soon enough, she treats me with enough respect to stop insulting me, and to say hello and be kind.  Sometimes you just have to surprise them, and prove that they were wrong with their initial judgments.

    Also; if she really is the type to judge you constantly, and make you feel like you aren&#039;t ever &quot;good enough&quot; for her; then you are the better person.  You have a better heart, and you can have fun with the pun in your head.  Sure, she might be so pretty on the outside, but who are you to judge what is right or wrong.

    If you really can&#039;t handle it to the point of &quot;prefer to jump off a bridge&quot; can&#039;t handle; then call your friend, apologize for not going, and plan a special hang out time, just the two of you for some bonding.

    Sorry for the long answer.  Good luck, and I hope this helps!

  2. dont let one girl ruin your night! go dance your beauty off, and wear whatevr you want...who cares what she says you are you and your not going to change cuz some pretty girls says you haev to. iif she doesnt like your personality shes not worth getting to know.. &quot;your real friends are the ones that stick by you no matter what you wear, eat, or do.&quot;

  3. Well if she is doing like this then she is jealous of u. U be confident and brave, enjoy yourself and dont bother what ever she thinks.  

  4. Aren&#039;t these fake friends a pain in the asssss?  YES they are.  BUt we can&#039;t stop living around them.  We get in there and have ourselves.   Just get out there and be the hit of the party. She&#039;ll be invious of you!!

  5. It is good for you stop thinking about her.

    Ignore and forget her. IGNORANCE IS THE BEST MEDICINE.

    There is nothing to worry on such minute things.

    After all she is going away today and tomorrow.

  6. ya dont let this one girl destroy your night or even your friendship

  7. Your not going for the others and you can make friends that night also. You have to realize that there will be others there in the same situation as you, well close to it and will probably need someone to talk to as well. So if your friend starts to leave you lonely at times, you have someone else to talk with and still enjoy the night. But if it&#039;s a true friend, she will not leave you alone that much... Have Fun.

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