
So who thinks Alicia Sacramone got screwed at the olympics the other night?

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She makes no significant mistakes but China's vaulter who fell edged her out? What gives? Can anyone say bias? You know where I stand, now I'd like to hear your opinion.




  1. She got screwed by the scoring system. Alicia's difficulty was low and her execution was high, while the Chinese girl had a high difficulty and a decent execution score.

    That is bullcrap how Alicia did not get a medal because her start value wasn't high enough.

  2. The Chinese vaulter got WAY too high of  a score. She hit the vault sideways which SHOULD be a deduction, she split her legs open which should have been a deduction and then she landed on her freaking KNEES! I mean seriously... that didn't deserve a bronze unless you felt pitty on her, because she is probably the only Chinese gymnast over the age of 14. What a joke the gymnastics has been this year.

    In other words, yes Alicia was robbed!

  3. First of all, the girl is not CHINESE that won, she is from North Korea, so get ur  news straight. And second, the Chinese gymnast did a PERFECT first vault that deserved her score of 16 pints and higher, but the second was not really great but still deserve 15, but Alicia both did a good but not perfect vault, and other countries started off with higher points than Alicia so they WILL earn more points. Stop hating.

  4. How the h**l can you say she was not screwed? I didn't even want her to win, but even I say she got screwed. The Chinese gymnast FELL on her knees. Alicia wasn't perfect, but she definitely deserved to medal and she was superior overall to the Chinese gymnast (I did feel bad for her when she screwed up on the floor exercises because she started off very well).

    The point is, the second vault wasn't penalized nearly enough. It was a little higher than 15 as I recall. That vault deserved something in the 14s. She botched the vault. It doesn't matter how difficult the vault is if she couldn't land it.

    And no, the Chinese gymnast did NOT deserve a 16 on her first vault. The high 15s was pushing it. It was great, and better than both of Alicia's vaults, but the fact is there are two of them, and she botched one. It makes absolutely no sense that she would medal after that.

    Oh, and landing on your knees is a pretty big mistake to begin with. Did anyone notice that she didn't get off the vault with both hands? She hit it one after another. That second vault was downright terrible. That was incorrect judging if I ever saw it.

    There's no denying the first vault was great. But the reason Alicia got screwed is just because the second vault was not penalized enough, and Alicia did a pretty d**n good job to begin with.

    Bronze at least. Fourth place is the hardest to take, you have to believe.

    One more thing, the judges aren't bias'd because she was Chinese. The judges aren't proportioned to give an edge to them because it's hosted in Beijing. The Chinese gymnastics team is just really good. In this case, however, the judges were just stupid. Very, very stupid.  

  5. Yes, Alicia "got screwed".  When you fall, your score should definitely be lower.  The judges that are judging the routines should have a more strict guideline.  Right now, it seems like a free-for-all.  In the event finals, no judge is allowed to judge a gymnast from their own country.  This is why there are even more flaws.  You get countries, who know very little about gymnastic scoring, scoring these gymnasts.  The gymnasts work hard doing what they do.  I only wish the judges would do the same.  Maybe they should have college courses to become a judge?  Something!

    Did her falling off beam and on floor cost the USA the gold medal?  NO.  John Roethlisberger went over the scoring, and it proved that her score would not have been high enough to give them gold.  Of course, the USA is using older gymnasts, also.  It is a fact that China used a 14 year old in 2000(She, herself, came forward and confessed), so I am not sure why people think they aren't doing this now.  Look on youtube for news broadcasts about the chinese gymnasts, and you will find facts that all stack up to some of those girls definitely...without a being underage.

  6. Yeah, that is just ridiculous. The chinese girl fell for God's sake! These judges are so out of control. I've tons of these calls that make people not recieve a medal. It's always a chinese that wins in these types of competitions where the judges have to judge them. It's stupid. Are they even any American judges? Sheesh.

  7. She did not get screwed.

    The vault is scored on a two vault average.

    Even with a huge mistake, China's vaulter had a better average.  That's how scoring works, it is not bias at all towards any individual country.

  8. theres something called an average of the 2 scores. also HIGHER START VALUE

  9. I think so. I love her.

  10. "Gymnastics judging is flawed. That chick fell and got a medal. Would Usain bolt get a medal if he fell in the 100M dash...No."

    Sorry, had to respond to that. That is a completely horrendous attempt at a connection between totally unrelated things. Track is not an event of deductions. It's who crosses the line first. Gymnastics is a game of judges and scores based on deductions. To me, that comparison fails.

    It's not biased. It's scores. A fall is -.8, I believe so for all of you complaining about a girl that falls doesn't deserve a medal need to check the facts. If her (A) score (difficulty) is high enough to absorb a mistake then that's that. Complain about the scoring system, not the judges bias. They took off what they were supposed to take off. They aren't going to take off 1 point for a fall that's .8. simple.

  11. Alicia Sacramone definitely should have won a medal.  It is not always so much "bias" as just misjudging or incorrect judging by the judges according to Bela  Karolyi.

  12. I totally agree with you ... I actually just got done talking to a friend about the same topic.  I believe China has more control over the judging then we even know... esp due to the 14 yr old girls on their team.

  13. Alicia Sacramone double hopped on the first vault, and both her vaults have lower starting scores than the Chinese vaulter.  There was no judging error involved.  These American commentators are biased, and the American public is buying into the bias.

  14. A lot of other gymnast got screwed on that especially Sacramone because it was a chance for a medal.  Fei of China should have been 5th or 6th behind other gymnasts. It's unfair to those looking on to know that someone can land on their knees and don't complete the rotation hence less difficulty, and scores better than them!

    Sacramone did her job and Fei did hers. The judges did not deduct enough on Fei and showed inconsistency relative to the way they scored other gymnasts.  Sacramone only had a slight hop on both vaults and her score could have been higher but judges are picky. But with Cheng Fei they forgot how to be picky.  Her hands were skewed, the position in the air not good, did not complete the rotation and that should have lessened the difficulty, she lands on her knees and only got deducted 1.5.  

    The minimum deduction would have been 1.6 based on her visible mistakes and not to include other small deductions judges seem to find in all of the routines from every gymnast (primary ex. Nastia Liukin vault, perfect right? but judges seemed to find little mistakes and took off .5 points in deductions)   Fei's should have been 1.6+ in deductions and that would have made a difference in Sacramone's position.

    Felt bad for gymnasts going after Fei and seeing that score and probably thinking to themselves if they ever did a routine like that they'd be out of a medal.  And seeing Sacramone's with really the hop on her landings as the only mistake still coming behind. Then they themselves would have to be superperfect to beat someone landing on their knees! Because of difficulty? What difficulty? She didn't even complete the excercise she was on her knees.

  15. Gymnastics judging is flawed.  That chick fell and got a medal.  Would Usain bolt get a medal if he fell in the 100M dash...No.

    There needs to be better standards in Gymnastics instead of someone's opinion.  All sports that are won by a "judge" should have a better standardized scoring system.  That goes for



    syncronized swimming

    and equestrian


    wow those sports sucks

  16. I completely know what you mean. Alicia's vaults were AMAZING, and she stuck her landings!! The Chinese gymnast (whom I am pretty sure, is NOT 20 years old) fell on her landings, and I think she even went out of bounds. Alicia deserved AT LEAST a bronze.

  17. i agree, but i also wanna say that i love shawn johnson

  18. figuratively or literally?

  19. Well, I do know that the Chinese vaulter started with a higher level of difficulty, which means that she can then stand to make more mistakes and still get a high score. I also know that the scoring is complicated, and though it looks cut and dry to the average viewer, it is really anything but. Personally, it did look a little strange to me, but I am not an expert on gymnastics scoring.

  20. For those of you saying she had a higher start value thus she shouldnt be penalized...think of this. I will enter in 2012 with an impossible start value of say 14.8. I will do 6 flips, 8 twists and hold Budweiser in each hand. I will run up to the vault place both hands down and go rolling across the floor on the other side. Do I win? Who cares how high the start value if she didnt execute most of it? The Korean vaulter stepped out of bounds on both of her vaults. Truth be told, the German troll should have won. I couldnt give a c**p to be honest, but to say the judging wasnt seriously flawed is crazy.

  21. shes no good ! she  screwed up in the team finals and in the by her self!!!!

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