
So who wants to tell me the Browns aren't completely overrated now?

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So who wants to tell me the Browns aren't completely overrated now?




  1. If you want to base your opinions on an exhibition game, I'll be happy to take any and all bets you want to make on NFL games this season.

  2. The Browns are overrated. Especially Derek Anderson who can't make it through 1 game without getting injured. I think they will play average this year, but not anywhere close of what they're expected to play!

  3. Who cares, it's not like they were ever an elite team. If they do even get to the playoffs they'll get beat in the wild card round if they even make it.

  4. it is still Pre-Season. When the season actually starts it could be a whole different ball game

  5. Well they may be overrated, but it has nothing to do with their last pre season game. Pre-season games dont mean ANYTHING.

    I do think Dallas will beat them by 3 touchdowns week 1 though.

  6. As a Pittsburgh fan, I always hate the Browns.  But it was a preseason game and not much can be judged based on that.  I expect them to suck, but also hope they improve a little to help keep the rivalry interesting.  When the Browns got sold to Baltimore, Pittsburgh fans were probably the most upset fans outside of Cleveland.  We hate them and they have been awful for the last few years, but Steeler fans still love the rivalry.

  7. the funny thing is, some of the anti-buckeyes/browns fans actually talk c**p about ohio state and then they totally get it handed to them on monday night football. im not saying all browns fans are against osu (i would like to think the majority root for osu) but the ones who have total animosity for osu always eat their words.  

  8. Honestly, it's only the preseason. Anything can happen.

  9. It's only preseason, but the defense was pathetic. That is cause for concern. You can't look that bad and not have people concerned about it. That was embarrassing for the defense.

  10. You won't get any arguments from me. They need a lot of work. I was very disappointed in the bone head penalties and complete failure to execute the simplest of plays i.e.:handoff to Jamal Lewis.

    I did see a bright spot in Brady Quinn though. He looked very comfortable under all that pressure.

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